Synchronization using Timestamps:
During synchronization the timestamps are compared and the newer one is used
If the timestamp (from the server) is invalid it is assumed that the client is more up-to-date
If the entity doesn't exist on the server, it is created
Login and Registration in App
Multiple Todo Lists in the Navigation Drawer
New ones can be created using the overflow menu resulting in a Dialog
Todo List name is shown in the Activity Title
Last opened list is remembered
Drawer is disabled in Register and Login
Animations using Material Motion
Login to Register
List change
Show details
Open Editor (from FAB)
Drawer Header showing current username
Logout Button in overflow menu
User data is removed on logout so that it doesn't mix with the next users data
Swipe to Refresh on list view
Internal Features
Android Jetpack Navigation Component is used
API Calls via Retrofit 2
Database or API operations are performed asynchronously using Kotlin Coroutines
Modular Architecture
Event handlers are in their respective fragment/activity
Extensive use of LiveData
Usage of Room with SQLite as data storage as replacement for the old Serializer
s and Storage
Continuous Integration using GitHub Actions
s in Login/Register
s so that Data Bindings can be used everywhere where it makes sense
Error handling for Login
Input validation in editor (using animated hiding of FAB)
Extract Activities into Fragments to achieve Single Activity Architecture
Migration from JCenter to Maven Central
is now a real Android Library instead of just a Kotlin Module
Various dependency updates
FAB moves out of the way if a Snackbar
appears using CoordinatorLayout
Bug Fixes
Task Checking in the Details View works now
You can’t perform that action at this time.