This package provides data processing and conversion between NetCDF and OpenFOAM data types. It uses a WMake based build system to align with the OpenFOAM build framework. It requires that the NetCDF library be installed to the lib/ directory. Additionally, a local copy of OpenFOAM should be installed with sufficient permissions for the user to be able to write a new executable to the ${FOAM_APPBIN}
directory. Before building our executable, the user will need to source the OpenFOAM bashrc to set the relevant $FOAM_
environment variables. Only one additional configuration step is required for our utility, which is to export an environment variable ${ncdfToFoamRoot}
to the top level directory of this repo as:
$ export ncdfToFoamRoot=/path/to/git/clone
The ncdfToFoam utility can be compiled from the top level directory of this repo by executing:
$ wmake src
The compilation can be verified by entering the test directory and executing:
$ ctest
Final executable should be called as:
$ ncdfToFoam
where the present working directory contains:
|-- result
|-- constant
|-- system
|-- controlDict
|-- fvSolution
The program will generate polyMesh
in constant
|-- constant
|-- polyMesh
|-- points
|-- faces
|-- boundary
|-- owner
|-- neighbour