A Ruby script to thumbnailify a folder full of images. Only does present working directory. * Not Recursive *
- Works on .jpg, .jpeg, and .png
- ImageMagick must be installed on your system to make use of the mogrify command!
- Download the script:
git clone [email protected]:Steelsouls/thumbnailify.git
- Navigate into the thumbnailify directory:
cd thumbnailify
- Make a symbolic link in your bin directory so you can call it from anywhere!
ln -s thumbnailify.rb ~/bin/thumbnailify
- If preferred, skip this and move/copy the script into your bin instead.
Once you've made a link in your ~/bin, just call thumbnailify
from anywhere and it'll make a thumbnails directory. Inside will be copies of all images from your current directory in the default sizes: 256px, 128px, 64px, 32px.
- Supply a list of numbers to make any size thumbnails you want!
thumbnailify 600 300
makes only 600px and 300px thumbnails
- Aspect ratios are kept.
- Pixel dimensions are maximums for each side.
- Only looks in your current directory, doesn't search deeper.