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Releases: SuicidalInsanity/BDTeamIcons

TeamIcons - RWP

11 Oct 01:07
Choose a tag to compare

Now supports n teams
Adds score display, showing score during competition mode
Adds HP bars, showing damage to vessels
Adds threat icons, showing who is attacking who
-Requires latest version of BDA for RWP-

BDA Team Icons

19 Sep 18:45
Choose a tag to compare

Fixes some memory leaks - should have less performance impact
Increases team support to 16 teams

BDAc Team Icons

15 Dec 05:31
Choose a tag to compare

Recompiled against KSP 1.8 repositories

BDAc Team Icons

23 Oct 16:29
Choose a tag to compare

Now with multi-team support
Now with custom team color functionality
Additional settings options
Improved pointer functionality

BD Team Icons

20 Jul 01:18
Choose a tag to compare

Initial release.