This repo contains the Shiny user interface and server structure to produce an interactive application for analysis of Child And Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale (CAFAS) and Preschool And Early Childhood Functional Assessment Scale (PECFAS) data.
Please feel free to fork this repo if you want to make changes to the reactive data structure or add new visualizations or interactivity.
We believe in freely sharing ideas and software rather than charging non-profits and governments over and over for something we create. But we also have to guard against some taking advantage of our goodwill and to keep development of this tool in the public sphere.
So we decided to publish this under the Creative Commons Attribution – Non-Commercial – Share Alike 4.0 International License. Here’s why:
- We want to promote free software for non-profits and governments.
- We do not want our work to contribute to money-making activities without some return on our investment.
If you wish to use this work to augment any endeavor that generates revenues – regardless of whether you are for-profit, non-profit or governmental – please contact [email protected] or the author of this repository for information on licensing.
Otherwise, please use what’s here – and contribute your own modifications or improvements.
Like most efforts, this one was built on the backs of giants. Special thanks and shout-outs to the following: