Some notes about papers
Feedback Control For Cassie with Deep Reinforcement Learning(Oregon State Uni.)
Learning Agile and Dynamic Motor Skills for Legged Robots(ETH)
Learning Memory-Based Control for Human-Scale Bipedal Locomotion(Oregon State Uni.)
Learning Spring Mass Locomotion: Guiding Policies with a Reduced-Order Model(Oregon State Uni.)
Sim-to-Real Learning of All Common Bipedal Gaits via Periodic Reward Composition(Oregon State Uni.)
Concurrent Training of a Control Policy and a State Estimator for Dynamic and Robust Legged Locomotion(KAIST)
Optimizing Bipedal Maneuvers of Single Rigid-Body Models for Reinforcement Learning(Oregon State Uni.)
Dynamic Bipedal Maneuvers through Sim-to-Real Reinforcement Learning(Oregon State Uni.)
Actor-Critic Algorithms(MIT)
Proximal Policy Optimization(OpenAI)
On Learning Symmetric Locomotion(UBC)