Since its public release, this repository is licensed under GPL 3. This means that you are free to use and distribute this code, but you are obligated to distribute any modifications you make to it.
According to foxglove MCAP is a standardized container format for storing heterogeneous robotics data. It allow unified data format for recording robotics data and allow futher debug. By combining it with foxglove-studio it provide a powerfull tool for visualize and debug robotics projects.
This project aim to provide a wrapper for writing MCAP in a simplified way. With this project it should be possible to write MCAP and use foxglove in minutes instead of hours.
Install dependencies:
sudo apt install libwebsocketpp-dev
Build and install repository
git clone https://github.com/TanguyHardelin/MCAPWrapper.git
cd MCAPWrapper
mkdir build && cd build && sudo make install
Some example are provided in the example folder. The following code provide quick get started sample for using foxglove studio with this wrapper.
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include "json.hpp"
#include "MCAPWriter.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv){
// Open MCAP writer:
// Write data into file:
for(unsigned i=0; i<20; i++){
// Create data
nlohmann::json test_json;
test_json["x"] = i;
test_json["a"] = "toto";
test_json["b"] = 42.3698;
test_json["c"] = -1157.0;
test_json["d"] = nlohmann::json();
test_json["d"]["a"] = i * 150.0;
test_json["d"]["b"] = "foo";
test_json["d"]["c"] = 0;
// Put it to file
mcap_wrapper::write_JSON_to_all("test_json", test_json.dump(), std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());
// Close file
return 0;
Other examples are available in examples folder
- Write async write for all data type
- Use GTest in UNIT_TEST