Some university subjects
Flask web-apps with PostgreSQL, telegram bots.
CI-CD with GitLab and Jenkins. Flake8 and mypy code formatting + pytest
Assembly (FASM and TASM) labs
Cite with HTML-CSS
Java labs and practices
Coursework computing
Algorithms and data structures in Python
Getting system info in C, signals and threades.
Course-work with client-server app in C++ on Linux and Windows (windows branch). One of a platform has simple GUI.
Simple programms in C/C++ and labs
Program for 6 lab
Some file (idk) and programm for cabel length computing
Transport task and simplex
Python DA and DS basics
Neaural Nets in PyTorch
ML and DL basics
DL basics with TF (first 4 labs were made with JAX)
OpenCV basics
React anti-cafe
Quartus labs