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Release Jdempotent

Goal of this Jdempotent-spring-boot-starter

Make your endpoints idempotent easily


  1. First of all, you need to add a dependency to pom.xml

For Redis:


For Couchbase:

  1. You should add @IdempotentResource annotation to the method that you want to make idempotent resource, listener etc.
@IdempotentResource(cachePrefix = "WelcomingListener")
@KafkaListener(topics = "trendyol.mail.welcome", groupId = "group_id")
public void consumeMessage(@IdempotentRequestPayload String emailAdress) {
    SendEmailRequest request = SendEmailRequest.builder()

    try {
    } catch (MessagingException e) {
        logger.error("MailSenderService.sendEmail() throw exception {} event: {} ", e, emailAdress);

        // Throwing any exception is enough to delete from redis. When successful, it will not be deleted from redis and will be idempotent.
        throw new RetryIdempotentRequestException(e);

If want that idempotencyId in your payload. Put @JdempotentId annotation that places the generated idempotency identifier into annotated field. Can be thought of as @Id annotation in jpa.

public class IdempotentPayload {
   private String jdempotentId;
   private Object data;

You might want to handle the name of the field differently to ensure idempotency. Just use @JdempotentProperty annotation needs to get the field name differently and generate the hash inspired by jackson (@JsonProperty annotation)

public class IdempotentPayload {
   private String customerId;
   private Object data;
  1. If you want to handle a custom error case, you need to implement ErrorConditionalCallback like the following example:
public class AspectConditionalCallback implements ErrorConditionalCallback {

    public boolean onErrorCondition(Object response) {
        return response == IdempotentStateEnum.ERROR;
    public RuntimeException onErrorCustomException() {
        return new RuntimeException("Status cannot be error");

  1. Let's make the configuration:

For redis configuration:

  enable: true
      database: 1
      password: "password"
      sentinelPort: "26379"
      sentinelMasterName: "admin"
      expirationTimeHour: 2
      dialTimeoutSecond: 3
      readTimeoutSecond: 3
      writeTimeoutSecond: 3
      maxRetryCount: 3
      expireTimeoutHour: 3

For couchbase configuration:

  enable: true
    algorithm: MD5
      connection-string: XXXXXXXX
      password: XXXXXXXX
      username: XXXXXXXX
      bucket-name: XXXXXXXX
      connect-timeout: 100000
      query-timeout: 20000
      kv-timeout: 3000

Please note that you can disable Jdempotent easily if you need to. For example, assume that you don't have a circuit breaker and your Redis is down. In that case, you can disable Jdempotent with the following configuration:

  enable: false
      exclude = { RedisAutoConfiguration.class, RedisRepositoriesAutoConfiguration.class }


As it is shown in the following image, the most cpu consuming part of Jdempotent is getting a Redis connection so we don't need to worry performance related issues.


Jdempotent Medium Article
Jdempotent-core Javadoc
Jdempotent-spring-boot-redis-starter Javadoc


memojja's twitter


MIT Licence


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


  • memojja Mehmet ARI - creator, maintainer