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@kratochvil01 kratochvil01 released this 18 Jun 13:33
· 34 commits to main since this release
  • Evok v3 is based on Python3.
  • API breaking changes:
    • Relay entities are excluded from the output endpoint and have a separate endpoint ro. Alternate access via relay is still available.
    • Digital output entities are excluded from the output endpoint and have a separate endpoint do. Alternate access via output is still available.
    • Digital input entities are excluded from the input endpoint and have a separate endpoint di. Alternate access via input is still available.
    • Modified methods of setting analog input ai and analog output ao modes - mode and range are unified into one parameter. For more information see Analog input and Analog output modes in API documentation.
    • Renamed unit_register entity to data_point.
  • Updating Evok from v2 to v3 is unsupported as well as migration from Debian 10 is unsupported - it's recommended to start from a fresh operating system.
  • The configuration of Evok has been completely rewritten to yaml based on tree structure(old .conf structure is no longer supported). See more information in the Evok configuration.
  • Dropped support of rarely used functions/entities (Eeprom,i2cbus,adchip,mcp,gpiobus,pca9685,unipi2,uart,wifi,light_channel,light_device,ext_config)
  • Example website aka 'Unipi Control Panel' has been split into separate project evok-web-jq and can be installed manually.
  • Added option 'all' instead of circuit using API (/rest/relay/all).
  • The device names in the API now match the name in the configuration. For more information see evok configuration.
  • Aliases system has been rewritten. Aliases are automatically saved 5 mins after a change, not immediately. Saving of aliases can be forced via API.
  • Aliases definition file structure has been changed. Evok automatically updates the aliases definition file if a version from Evok v2 is found.
  • Modbus RTU durability has been improved. Loss of communication with one device will not affect the functionality of the entire bus.
  • Added support to communicate with more Modbus TCP servers.