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Releases: UniStuttgart-INS/INSTINCT

0.3.0 - First Release

07 Feb 18:25
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This is the first release of the software here on GitHub.

As changelogs do not make sense here is a short overview of the existing nodes and their functionality.

Node overview


Nodes processing incoming data with different algorithms

Node Description
AllanDeviation Calculate and visualize an Allan Deviation plot
ErrorModel Apply errors to either ImuObs, ImuObsWDelta, PosVelAtt, GnssObs
LowPassFilter Low-pass filter data
GnssAnalyzer Analyze GNSS signals by calculating combinations and detecting cycle-slips
SinglePointPositioning Single Point Positioning (SPP) GNSS positioning
ImuIntegrator IMU data integrator
LooselyCoupledKF INS/GNSS loosely-coupled Kalman filter
ImuFusion Fuses multiple IMU sensors into one virtual IMU
WiFiPositioning Calculates a position using WiFi signals


Nodes reading data from files or interfacing with sensors

Node Description
CsvFile Read content from a CSV file
EmlidFile Read data logged from an emlid GNSS sensor
NmeaFile Read NMEA data (position, ...)
RinexNavFile Read RINEX navigation files
RinexObsFile Read RINEX observation files
RtklibPosFile Read RTKLIB position solution files
UbloxFile Read u-blox files (UBX)
EmlidSensor Interface an emlid sensor
UbloxSensor Interface an u-blox sensor
ImuFile Read IMU data from a file
KvhFile Read data logged from a KVH IMU
MultiImuFile Read data logged by a multi-IMU sensor
UlogFile Read data logged by e.g. a Pixhawk in ULog format
VectorNavFile Read data logged by a VectorNav sensor
KvhSensor Interface a KVH IMU
Navio2Sensor Interface a Navio2 RaspberryPi hat
VectorNavSensor Interface a VectorNav sensor
ImuSimulator Simulate trajectories and IMU data
PosVelAttFile Read position, velocity and attitude information from file
WiFiObsFile Read WiFi observation files
ArubaSensor Interface with Aruba routers for WiFi positioning
EspressifSensor Interface with Esp32 controllers for WiFi positioning


Nodes for logging different data types to files

Node Description
CsvLogger Log data as CSV files (most data types can be connected here)
KmlLogger Log data as KML files
MatrixLogger Log INSTINCT matrices (e.g. from a Kalman filter)
RinexObsLogger Log RINEX observation files
UartDataLogger Log UBX data
VectorNavDataLogger Log VectorNav sensor data
WiFiObsLogger Log WiFi observations


Nodes for sending data over network or other interfaces

Node Description
mavlinkSend Sends MAVLink commands to a drone to set its positioning solution
udpRecv Receives data sent over UDP for e.g. a data link between a drone and ground station
udpSend Sends data over UDP for e.g. a data link between a drone and ground station


Nodes which fulfill different tasks without clear category

Node Description
Plot Plot data
PosVelAttInitializer Initialize a PosVelAtt solution either in the GUI or by averaging PosVel and ImuObs in a static use case
Combiner Calculates algebraic combinations between input data. Useful to calculate differences of signals and a reference
Demo Demo node showcasing basic INSTINCT functionality
GroupBox Group box to separate nodes visually
Merger Merges 2 inputs of the same type into one
Terminator Terminates a signal. Usually only used in testing as pins can be left unconnected in a flow
TimeWindow Specify a time window to let messages pass or to filter them


Nodes for converting of message types inside INSTINCT.

Node Description
RtklibPosConverter Converts RtklibPosObs to PosVel
UartPacketConverter Converts UartPacket to UbloxObs by decrypting the UBX messages
UbloxGnssObsConverter Converts UbloxObs to GnssObs
UbloxGnssOrbitCollector Converts UbloxObs to GnssNavInfo by collecting the orbit information
VectorNavBinaryConverter Converts VectorNavBinaryOutput to one of ImuObs, ImuObsWDelta, PosVelAtt, GnssObs


These nodes are not really used in production. Use at your own risk.

Node Description
ARMA ARMA IMU Filter. See "Implementierung und Analyse eines ARMA-Filters – angewendet auf Rohdaten einer inertialen Messeinheit - Janis Thürsam, 2021, Master Thesis"
SkydelNetworkStream Listens on a network port for messages from the Skydel IMU Plugin
Delay Delays incoming messages for a configurable amount. The timestamps are not changed, only delays the sending of the messages.