Empatica BLE Server is a Windows application that can connect to multiple Empatica E4 devices using Bluetooth and stream data to local endpoint using multiple socket connections.
In order to get Empatica BLE Server, please contact us at mailto:[email protected]
Clone/download this repository
Open it and, if needed, check the address and port where your istance of EmpaticaBLEServer is running. You can change it by editing these constants in "AsynchronousClient.cs" file
private const string ServerAddress = ""; private const int ServerPort = 28000;
Run EmpaticaBLEClient
Check that EmpaticaBLEServer is running (Start button pressed)
Press ENTER and you should see a confirmation message
Socket connected to
You can start to sending commands
- Check that a device is connected to EmpaticaBLEServer
- Connect to a device and start receiveing data (from a full description of the command please visit our support page: http://empatica.github.io/Empatica_BLE_Server.html
In these code snippets, the first row is the sent commands, the second one an example of received data
R device_list 2 | 9ff167 Empatica_E4 available | 740163 Empatica_E4 available
device_connect 9ff167
R device_connect OK
device_subscribe bvp ON
R device_subscribe bvp OK
device_subscribe gsr ON
R device_subscribe gsr OK
After each subscription, you'll start to receive data in real time:
E4_Bvp 123345627891.123 31.128
When you want to stop receiving data, simply disconnect the device or send
device_disconnect OK
The application can be run on Windows 7, 8 or 10 desktop computers.
If you need any additional information about the Empatica BLE Server for Windows, please check the official documentation.