TensorFlow scripts and templates for Training CNN and BNN
This implementation is based on https://github.com/eladhoffer/convNet.tf and https://github.com/itayhubara/BinaryNet.tf.git
- tensorflow dependency from 1.2.1 to 1.4.0 with related code update
- adding logging function to implement local log recording
- results is saved by time format directory rather than covering mode like orignial version
- fix some bugs of orignial version to work well in tensorflow 1.4.0
- fix incorrect cifar10 data preprocessing code
- Using "sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits" loss function
- supporting ImageNet Dataset based on https://github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/research/inception
- ./ImageNetPreProcess dir contains download and imagenet data processing scripts;
- ./ImageNetReading dir contatins scripts for reading imagenet dataset while training;
- bash ./ImageNetPreProcess/download_and_preprocess_imagenet.sh (Maybe need to change some dir path params) to generate TFRecords before training
- python main.py --model alexnet --save alexnet --dataset imagenet --batch_size xxx --device x --data_dir=$YourTFRecordsPath
- supporting Residual Neural Network and Wide Residual Network(WRN) including ResNet and WRN of basic,bottleneck,pre-activation,dropout
tensorflow version 1.4.0
- Train cifar10 model using gpu: python main.py --model cifar10 --save cifar10 --dataset cifar10 --device x
- Train cifar10 model using cpu: python main.py --model cifar10 --save cifar10 --dataset cifar10 --device x --False
- Train alexnet model using gpu:
python main.py --model alexnet --save alexnet --dataset imagenet --batch_size xxx --device x --data_dir=$YourTFRecordsPath --decay_steps 10000
py main.py --model cifar10 --load $CheckPointDir(Eg:results/cifar10/2018-03-14-17-48-19) --resume True --dataset cifar10 --device x
Cifar10 : 90% top-1 accuracy(128 epochs)
BNNCifar10 : 83.2% top-1 accuracy(128 epochs)
WRN28-10:91.6% top-1 accuracy(128 epochs) for cifar10