ApolloCrossDev is intended to help (future) Amiga/Apollo developers to setup a Cross Compiler in a Virtual Ubuntu Linux.
- GCC 6.5.0 Toolchain (Apollo optimised Fork from excellent Amiga-GCC by Stefan -Bebbo- Franke)
- VASM Assembler (Apollo optimised Assembler from Dr. Volker Barthelsmann & Frank Wille)
- Amiga OS Native Development Kits (1.3, 3.9 and 3.2)
- Additional Software Development Kits (SDL, FreeType, Open-GL, MUI5)
- GDB-Server running native on Apollo V4 for remote debugging on Linux in Visual Studio Code
- C/C++/ASM Source-Code examples with automated Build from Makefiles and remote Debug enabled
- Apollo Library with some basic Apollo C++ and ASM routines, including Debug on Serial Output (TTY)
- Ubuntu 24.x LTS amd64 (Intel) | Debian 12.4.0 arm64 (Mac Silicon) installed in a VM (8Gb+ RAM|100Gb+ HD|8+ Cores)
- Git tools installed from CLI (open terminal and type "sudo apt install git")
- Microsoft Visual Studio Code (VS-Code) downloaded and installed (https://code.visualstudio.com)
- Microsoft Visual Studio Code Extensions:
- Microsoft C/C++ (Intellisense, debugging and code browsing)
- Microsoft C/C++ Extension Pack (collection of popular extensions)
- Microsoft C/C++ Themes (semantic colorization)
- Microsoft Makefile Tools (support for C/C++ Makefiles)
- Amiga Assembly by Paul Raingeard (Amiga ASM Support)
- ApolloExplorer by @RonyBeck downloaded + installed (https://github.com/ronybeck/ApolloExplorer)
- Note for Debian 12.4.0 arm64: ApolloExplorer needs to be rebuild locally for arm64 platform:
- Open VS-Code Click "View" and select "Open Command Palette" (or press CTRL+Shift+P)
- In drop-down list Select "git clone" and type "https://github.com/ronybeck/ApolloExplorer"
- Click "Terminal" and "New Terminal" to open a Terminal Window
- Type "sudo apt install build-essential devscripts debhelper qtbase5-dev qtbase5-dev-tools qt5-qmake libqt5x11extras5-dev qttools5-dev-tools"
- Type "qmake" and "make" to build ApolloExplorer binaries for arm64
- Copy acp/acp to .vscode folder in ApolloCrossDev
- Note for Debian 12.4.0 arm64: ApolloExplorer needs to be rebuild locally for arm64 platform:
- Open VS-Code Click "View" and select "Open Command Palette" (or press CTRL+Shift+P)
- In drop-down list Select "git clone" and type "https://github.com/WDrijver/ApolloCrossDev"
- After download Click "Open" and accept "trust the authors" and Click "Open Workspace" in the right corner popup window
- Click "Compilers" in the Explorer (left) to collapse all supported Compiler Toolchains
- Right-Click on the Compilers Folder and Select "Open in integrated Terminal"
- In the terminal windows type "./GCC-6.50.sh" to install the Toolchain
- Open .vscode folder, select tasks.json and change "APOLLO_V4_HOST" variable to match your Apollo V4 target path
- Also select launch.json and change all "miDebuggerServerAddress" variables to match your Apollo V4 target path
Test Compiler and File-Transfer:
- Click "Terminal" in menu and select "Run Build Task" (or press CTRL-Shift-B)
- Select "ApolloDemo" from the drop-down List
- DoubleClick ApolloDemo Icon on your Apollo V4 (in the target path specified in tasks.json)
Test Remote GDB Debugger:
- Set Breakpoint(s) in source code by clicking left from the line number (red dot appears)
- Select "Run" and select "Start Debugging" (or press F5)
- Select the you want to Remote Debug from the drop-down List
- DoubleClick your Icon on your Apollo V4 (in the target path specified in tasks.json)
- Use Debug Controls (step-over, step-into, etc.) to
- Open
Test Serial Terminal Debugger: (NOTE: Serial Debug requires PL2303 USB to Serial cable + TTY Terminal Program | Settings: 115200-8-1-N)
Create new Project:
- Right-Click Projects Folder and select "New Folder..." to create a new Folder
- Right-Click Folder and select "New File..." to create .c .cpp and .s source files
- Copy make-gcc650 template from Projects/_makefiles to Folder
- Change the Project/ line and make other customaizations to make-gcc650 if needed
Compile new Project 5. Right-Click Folder and select "Open in integrated Terminal" 5. Customize makefile to your project needs and Type "make -f make-gcc650" to Compile or
For further ApolloCrossDev installation help a video guide is available at: >
Other Resources:
- Apollo 68080 AMMX/SAGA Basic Documentation : http://apollo-core.com/index.htm?page=coding
- Apollo Devpac - Native V4 MonAm Assembler + Debugger : Integrated in ApolloOS
- Apollo ASM-ONE - Native V4 Assembler : Integrated in ApolloOS
- ApolloOS - Apollo V4 Open Source OS Distro Image : http://www.apollo-core.com/downloads/ApolloOS_R9.4.2-Release.img.zip