You may not find the most effecient solutions here, but I assure you, they work. Note that these answers are specifically for the Video Game Design course, in JavaScript (aka Unit 1: Video Game Design.)
Solutions for exercises:
1.1.4 Your First Karel Program
1.1.5 Short Stack
1.2.4 Make a Tower
1.2.5 Pyramid of Karel
1.3.4 Slide Karel
1.3.5 Fireman Karel
1.4.4 Pancakes
1.4.5 Mario Karel
1.5.4 Pancakes with Start
1.6.4 The Two Towers
1.7.4 The Two Towers + Comments
1.8.4 The Two Towers + SuperKarel
1.9.5 Take 'em All
1.9.6 Dizzy Karel
1.9.7 For Loop Square
1.9.8 Lots of Hurdles
1.10.5 Is There a Ball?
1.11.5 Right Side Up
1.12.4 Follow The Yellow Ball Road
1.12.5 Lay Row of Tennis Balls
1.12.6 Big Tower
1.13.4 Random Hurdles
1.15.4 Diagonal
1.15.5 Staircase
1.16.1 Fetch
1.16.2 Racing Karel
1.16.3 Tower Builder
1.16.4 Super Cleanup Karel
1.16.5 Double Tennis Balls
If you are looking for solutions to the "JavaScript and Graphics" portion of this course (Unit 2: Video Game Design,) head to the Repositories tab on my profile.