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Sliding puzzles


A simple flexible UI for sliding puzzles.

Hakoiri musume

Demo on lishogi 404 pages:

How to use

npm install @liskadan/sliding-puzzles

Either include the script in your HTML header:

<script src="dist/iife/sliding-puzzles.js"></script>

Or import it if you are using modules:

import { SlidingPuzzles } from '@liskadan/sliding-puzzles';

You will also want to include the css probably, but you might want to copy that asset and make your own changes: <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/styles/hakoirimusume.css" />

Puzzle setup for the example above is a string like this:

G1 K K G2
G1 K K G2
B  S S R
B  N L R
P1 . . P2

Separate all pieces and empty squares with a space Each row ends with a newline or a '/'

Same as above: G1 K K G2/G1 K K G2/B S S R/B N L R/ P1 . . P2

We start at top left corner, we say what piece is at each square The name needs to be UNIQUE, dot represents empty square

All pieces must be rectangular no L or T shapes

The name will be used as class for styling.

To initiate the actual puzzle you do this:

const api = SlidingPuzzles(
  'G1 K K G2/G1 K K G2/B S S R/B N L R/ P1 . . P2',

config object looks like this:

interface Configuration {
  solution?: (sit: Situation) => boolean; // checks after every move if solution was reached
  onMove?: (sit: Situation) => void; // called after each move
  specialEffect?: (p: Piece, h: HTMLElement) => void; // called for each piece during rendering, you can highlight a piece when correctly placed for example
  onVictory?: (sit: Situation) => void; // called after solution was reached
  movable?: boolean;
  showDests?: boolean;
interface Api {
  situation: Situation;
  destroy: () => void; // to unbind document event listeners
interface Situation {
  pieces: Pieces;
  occupied: Square[];
  moves: number;
  width: number;
  height: number;
  elements: Elements;
  config: Required<Configuration>;
  selected?: Square;
  pos?: [number, number];