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Pull requests: Warcraft-GoA-Development-Team/Warcraft-Guardians-of-Azeroth

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Pull requests list

Typo Fixes
#1902 opened Jan 3, 2022 by klorpa Loading…
Sej summer crusade(WIP)
#1892 opened Jul 21, 2021 by sejtalk Loading…
Nazjatar wonders 🎨 2D graphics 🖌️ Adding 2D graphic files or adjustments ⭐ new feature 🆕 Adding a new feature to the mod
#1866 opened Mar 25, 2021 by sejtalk Loading… Patch 1.11
#1857 opened Feb 17, 2021 by sejtalk Loading…
Azshara interaction(WIP)
#1854 opened Feb 10, 2021 by sejtalk Loading…
Eye colors and hair color need fixing....
#1845 opened Jan 22, 2021 by Gnomebuster Loading…
More Religious and Cultural Flavor 🎨 2D graphics 🖌️ Adding 2D graphic files or adjustments ⚖️ balance ⚖️ Adjustment made to branch to better balance a pre-existing feature 🚧 WIP 🚧 This pull request or issue's solution is a work in progress ❗ priority high Issue or addition is high priority ⭐ new feature 🆕 Adding a new feature to the mod
#1835 opened Nov 29, 2020 by Malicos Loading…
15 tasks
Patch 1.12
Gnoll Wars Startdate - History 🎨 2D graphics 🖌️ Adding 2D graphic files or adjustments 🚧 WIP 🚧 This pull request or issue's solution is a work in progress ❗ priority high Issue or addition is high priority ⚙️ auto-generated ⚙️ Code submitted is auto-generated ⭐ new feature 🆕 Adding a new feature to the mod
#1832 opened Nov 28, 2020 by Malicos Loading…
1 of 5 tasks
Patch 1.11
Great Sea Islands - Main 🎨 2D graphics 🖌️ Adding 2D graphic files or adjustments ❗ priority high Issue or addition is high priority 📄 localisation 🖊️ Adding or adjusting localisations ⭐ new feature 🆕 Adding a new feature to the mod
#1827 opened Nov 21, 2020 by Malicos Loading… Patch 1.11
Gilblins 🎨 2D graphics 🖌️ Adding 2D graphic files or adjustments ❗ priority high Issue or addition is high priority 📄 localisation 🖊️ Adding or adjusting localisations ⭐ new feature 🆕 Adding a new feature to the mod
#1826 opened Nov 21, 2020 by Malicos Loading…
1 task done
Patch 1.11
French localisation 📄 localisation 🖊️ Adding or adjusting localisations
#1824 opened Oct 11, 2020 by ElMariuso Loading…
reworked some german lines, added some customisation lines 📄 localisation - german 🖊️ Improvements to german localisation needed.
#1806 opened Aug 31, 2020 by arithon Draft
2 of 3 tasks
Zandalari portraits
#1789 opened Aug 29, 2020 by karnedi Draft
Big artifact pictures for A Bigger Interface mod compatibility 🎨 2D graphics 🖌️ Adding 2D graphic files or adjustments ❕ priority low Issue or addition is low priority
#1752 opened Aug 4, 2020 by MemeWizard Loading… Patch 1.11
Gnoll Wars Startdate - Main 🎨 2D graphics 🖌️ Adding 2D graphic files or adjustments 🚧 WIP 🚧 This pull request or issue's solution is a work in progress ❗ priority high Issue or addition is high priority ⚙️ auto-generated ⚙️ Code submitted is auto-generated 📄 localisation 🖊️ Adding or adjusting localisations ⭐ new feature 🆕 Adding a new feature to the mod
#1711 opened Jul 18, 2020 by Malicos Draft
4 tasks
Patch 1.11
Ashbringer (corrupting/cleansing) ⭐ new feature 🆕 Adding a new feature to the mod
#1707 opened Jul 16, 2020 by aybarsavci Loading…
Greymane bloodline ❕ priority medium Issue or addition is medium priority ⭐ new feature 🆕 Adding a new feature to the mod
#1701 opened Jul 15, 2020 by aybarsavci Loading… Soon™
Brewmaster 🎨 2D graphics 🖌️ Adding 2D graphic files or adjustments ❗ priority high Issue or addition is high priority ⭐ new feature 🆕 Adding a new feature to the mod
#1697 opened Jul 12, 2020 by sejtalk Loading… Patch 1.11
Adding gem of health, power and wisdom [WIP] ❕ priority low Issue or addition is low priority ⭐ new feature 🆕 Adding a new feature to the mod
#1600 opened May 27, 2020 by arithon Draft
1 of 2 tasks
Reworking the way, gods are written in events/descriptions ❕ priority low Issue or addition is low priority 📄 localisation 🖊️ Adding or adjusting localisations
#1576 opened May 19, 2020 by arithon Draft
1 of 4 tasks
skinning festival 🚧 WIP 🚧 This pull request or issue's solution is a work in progress ❕ priority low Issue or addition is low priority 📄 localisation 🖊️ Adding or adjusting localisations ⭐ new feature 🆕 Adding a new feature to the mod
#1575 opened May 18, 2020 by ghost Draft Soon™
Gilnean Wall Wonder ⭐ new feature 🆕 Adding a new feature to the mod
#1536 opened May 7, 2020 by DukeJeans Draft
Pandaria - Great Works 🎨 2D graphics 🖌️ Adding 2D graphic files or adjustments 🚧 WIP 🚧 This pull request or issue's solution is a work in progress ❕ priority medium Issue or addition is medium priority ⭐ new feature 🆕 Adding a new feature to the mod
#1527 opened May 3, 2020 by DukeJeans Draft
1 of 7 tasks
Patch 1.11
Craftsmen (WIP) ⭐ new feature 🆕 Adding a new feature to the mod
#1396 opened Apr 7, 2020 by MemeWizard Draft
Harpy Holdings Icons 🎨 2D graphics 🖌️ Adding 2D graphic files or adjustments
#1314 opened Mar 14, 2020 by MemeWizard Draft Soon™
ProTip! Filter pull requests by the default branch with base:master.