Pure python 3.6+, no packages required
Usage example
- Obtain archive
$ ./get_archive.py --loglevel=DEBUG
DEBUG:get_archive:Using '/home/wcm/.cache/ziscript' for cache
- Extract IPs from archive
$ ./archive_to_ips.py /home/wcm/.cache/ziscript/master.zip
- Group IPs into subnets
$ ./ips_to_subnets.py -i /tmp/blocked.txt --filter-special -p 0.2 -o /tmp/blocked_subnets.txt
- (Optional) Save your existing ipset into file
$ sudo ipset save rkn-blocked-subnets -output plain > /tmp/old_subnets.txt
- Generate diff between current state and new subnets
$ ./ipset_build_delta.py rkn-blocked-subnets --new=/tmp/blocked_subnets.txt --old=/tmp/old_subnets.txt -o /tmp/subnet_delta.txt
- Apply changes to ipset
$ cat /tmp/subnet_delta.txt | sudo ipset restore
- Wrap it in script, add to cron, enjoy using internet