To clone and run this repository you'll need Git and Node.js (v20) (which comes with npm) installed on your computer. From your command line:
# Clone this repository
git clone
# Go into the directory
cd ytmdesktop
# If you do not have Yarn Installed / New to Node as a whole you can enable Yarn with:
corepack enable
# Install dependencies
yarn install
# Run the app
yarn start
To build for your platform you need to run yarn make
, however please see the information below regarding the required additionally Software, Tools and Packages which are needed to successfully package into a nice installer file.
To download the full suite of Tools/Software needed to build the app it is recommended to install the suite of build tools that electron provide which includes Visual Studio, Python and other tools.
npm i -g @electron/build-tools
This will start downloading and installing, and may require a few prompts here and there to finalise everything.
to do
Building the project on Linux only requires you to install:
- For building for Debian based Linux Distros like Ubuntu, you will need to install
- For building for RedHat based Linux Distros like Fedora, you will need to install
please note that by default both packages are built if you try to building this application on a linux distro
A Thank you to all the contributors throughout the project, without their work this project would have just been a small project and never expanded to where it is now.