This repository contains library and utilities to work with AIE ctrlcode
git submodule update --init --recursive
- cmake 3.18 or above
- c++17 compiler
- Boost (header only)
- cxxopts (included as submodule)
- ELFIO (included as submodule)
- AMD aie-rt (included as submodule)
- pylint
- markdown
- pyyaml
- Jinja2
cd build ./
aiebu uses hybrid linking on Windows which involves static linking with C++ but dynamic linking with Universal C Runtime. There is no dependency on MS VCRT.
cd build ./build22.bat
Directories test/cpp_test
and test/cmake-test/sample
contain sample code to show usage of public C/C++ APIs.
- Directory
- aiebu.h
- aiebu_assembler.h
- aiebu_error.h
- Directory
- libaiebu_static.a