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0️⃣ Version 🎁


ID Hardware Software Remark
H752-01 v1.0-241224 v1.2_250118 latest
H752 v1.0-240810 v1.0-241203 -

H752-01 new version :

  • Adds the ink screen power management chip TPS65185;
  • Supports local refresh, can adjust the Vcom voltage control display color depth;
  • Support epdiy v7 direct drive.
  • Added GPS module;

2、Where to buy.

LilyGo Store

1️⃣ Product 🎁

H752-01 T5 E-Paper S3 Pro
Flash / PSRAM 16M / 8M
Lora SX1262
Driver IC ED047TC1 (4.7 inches, 960x540 , 16 gray)
Battery Capacity 3.7V-1500mAh
Battery Chip BQ25896 (0x6B), BQ27220 (0x55)
Touch GT911 (0x5D)
RTC PCF85063 (0x51)
E-link Power Driver TPS65185 (0x68)
IO Extend PCA9535PW (0x20)

2️⃣ Module 🎁

Datasheets on the chip are available in ./hardware directory.

Name Dependency library
SX1262 jgromes/[email protected]
BQ25896 lewisxhe/XPowersLib@^0.2.3
GPS mikalhart/TinyGPSPlus@^1.1.0
Sensor lewisxhe/[email protected]
LVGL lvgl/lvgl@^8.3.11

3️⃣ Quick Start 🎁

🟢 PlatformIO is recommended because these examples were developed on it. 🟢


  1. Install Visual Studio Code and Python, and clone or download the project;
  2. Search for the PlatformIO plugin in the VisualStudioCode extension and install it;
  3. After the installation is complete, you need to restart VisualStudioCode
  4. After opening this project, PlatformIO will automatically download the required tripartite libraries and dependencies, the first time this process is relatively long, please wait patiently;
  5. After all the dependencies are installed, you can open the platformio.ini configuration file, uncomment in example to select a routine, and then press ctrl+s to save the .ini configuration file;
  6. Click ☑️ under VScode to compile the project, then plug in USB and select COM under VScode;
  7. Finally, click the ➡️ button to download the program to Flash;

2、Arduino IDE

  1. Install Arduino IDE

  2. Copy all files under this project/lib/ and paste them into the Arduion library path (generally C:\Users\YourName\Documents\Arduino\libraries);

  3. Open the Arduion IDE and click File->Open in the upper left corner to open an example in this project/example/xxx/xxx.ino under this item;

  4. Then configure Arduion. After the configuration is completed in the following way, you can click the button in the upper left corner of Arduion to compile and download;

Arduino IDE Setting Value                            
Board ESP32S3 Dev Module
Port Your port                        
USB CDC On Boot Enable
CPU Frequency 240MHZ(WiFi)                      
Core Debug Level None                              
USB DFU On Boot Disable                          
Erase All Flash Before Sketch Upload Disable                          
Events Run On Core1                            
Flash Mode QIO 80MHZ                        
Flash Size 16MB(128Mb)                  
Arduino Runs On Core1                            
USB Firmware MSC On Boot Disable                          
Partition Scheme 16M Flash(3M APP/9.9MB FATFS)
PSRAM OPI PSRAM                    
Upload Mode UART0/Hardware CDC            
Upload Speed 921600                            
USB Mode CDC and JTAG                  

3、Folder structure:

├─boards  : Some information about the board for the platformio.ini configuration project;
├─data    : Picture resources used by the program;
├─example : Some examples;
├─firmare : `factory` compiled firmware;
├─hardware: Schematic diagram of the board, chip data;
├─lib     : Libraries used in the project;


 -✅ bq25896:bq25896 test
 -✅ bq27220:bq27220 test
 -✅ display_test:Ink screen display test.
 -✅ factory:Factory firmware program.
 -✅ GPS:The GPS test needs to be done outdoors.
 -✅ io_extend:IO expansion chip test.
 -✅ lora_recv:SX1262 LoRa send test.
 -✅ lora_send:SX1262 LoRa recv test.
 -✅ lvgl_test:Test using LVGL as image engine.
 -✅ rtc_pcf8563:Real-time clock chip test.
 -✅ sd_card:SD card read test.
 -✅ touch:GT911 test.

4️⃣ Pins 🎁

#define BOARD_GPS_RXD       44
#define BOARD_GPS_TXD       43
#define SerialMon           Serial
#define SerialGPS           Serial2

#define BOARD_I2C_PORT      (0)
#define BOARD_SCL           (40)
#define BOARD_SDA           (39)

#define BOARD_SPI_MISO      (21)
#define BOARD_SPI_MOSI      (13)
#define BOARD_SPI_SCLK      (14)

#define BOARD_TOUCH_INT     (3)
#define BOARD_TOUCH_RST     (9)

#define BOARD_RTC_SCL       (BOARD_SCL)
#define BOARD_RTC_SDA       (BOARD_SDA)
#define BOARD_RTC_IRQ       (2)

#define BOARD_SD_CS         (12)

#define BOARD_LORA_CS       (46)
#define BOARD_LORA_IRQ      (10)
#define BOARD_LORA_RST      (1)
#define BOARD_LORA_BUSY     (47)

#define BOARD_BL_EN         (11)
#define BOARD_PCA9535_INT   (38)
#define BOARD_BOOT_BTN      (0)

Extension interface

5️⃣ Test 🎁

Sleep power consumption.

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6️⃣ FAQ 🎁

Document Link
How to download programs through flash_download_tool ? dosc

7️⃣ Schematic & 3D 🎁

For more information, see the ./hardware directory.

Schematic : T5_E-Paper-S3-Pro

3D Files : 3D Files