This is Deakin personal SIT305 Assignment 2
SID 217449804(Owen Zhang)
============================================ SID 217449804 (Xiwen Zhang)
- Java Class: SIT305Assignment2\app\src\main\java\com\example\user\SIT305Assignment2
- Res and layout : SIT-305-Assignment-2/app/src/main/res/
- Font and Items.xml(Data reader from items) : SIT-305-Assignment-2/app/src/main/assets
- xml item data: SIT-305-Assignment-2/app/src/main/res/xml/items.xml
- Images: SIT305Assignment2\app\src\main\res\drawable =============================================
GitHub Link:
- This app is a game.
- User as a boy who want to buy cars
- User can make money by Low price bought from mark and High price to sell them.
- Game has 60 weeks per week as a round, when the 60 weeks finish will gameover
- Every week has random event about single price higher or lower, and each item also has little change of price per week
- The game target is to buy all cars and make money. ============================================== API: ''