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Xircuits Component Library for GitHub! Seamlessly integrate GitHub operations into your Xircuits workflows.
This library provides Xircuits components to interact with GitHub, enabling seamless automation of repository management, issue tracking, and pull request operations.
Before you begin, make sure you have the following:
- Python 3.9+.
- Xircuits.
- A GitHub account with a personal access token (PAT) configured.
- A valid GitHub token set as an environment variable or provided directly to the components.
GithubListIssues Component: Lists issues in a GitHub repository.
GithubGetIssue Component: Retrieves details of a specific issue.
GithubCreateIssue Component: Creates a new issue in a repository.
- GithubListPullRequests Component: Lists pull requests in a GitHub repository.
- GithubCreatePullRequest Component: Creates a new pull request.
- GithubReadPullRequestComments Component: Reads comments from a pull request.
- GithubAddPullRequestComment Component: Adds a comment to a pull request.
To use this component library, ensure that you have an existing Xircuits setup. You can then install the GitHub library using the component library interface, or through the CLI using:
xircuits install github
You can also install it manually by cloning the repository:
# base Xircuits directory
git clone xai_components/xai_github
pip install -r xai_components/xai_github/requirements.txt