What's Changed
- 🐛 Various Light Mode Fixes by @treo in #374
- ♻️ Set Component Library Install to Run on Terminal by @MFA-X-AI in #375
- Align inputs on the left and outputs on the right. by @treo in #376
- ✨ Port Utils from Component Libraries by @MFA-X-AI in #380
- ✨/🐛 Add xircuits Run CLI Command + Fix Recursive Compile by @MFA-X-AI in #378
- 🐛 Fix Argument Inputs not appearing in unsaved / uncompiled Run Dialogues by @MFA-X-AI in #379
- Add Regex components to utils.py by @wmeddie in #381
- 📚 10 New Component Libraries: Telegram, SerpAPI, SendGrid, GitHub, AWS, Requests, Confluence, GCalendar, GTasks, and Twilio by @MFA-X-AI in #382
Full Changelog: v1.16.0...v1.17.0