本介紹文檔上方為繁體中文 下方為英文版介紹文檔
This Introduction document is Traditional Chinese.
The English Version is under Traditional Chinese Version.
本專案使用語言:Html JavaScript Css Json Txt
給農民販賣 番茄-牛番茄 的時候可顯示 當日平均價和交易量 以及過往之數據
農民、買家 購買/賣出 牛番茄的參考
此專案使用 農業部資料開放平台 提供之資料
若此專案有任何侵權部分,請聯絡開發者 以刪除侵權部分這裡是英文版文檔
使用 Open AI ChatGPT 翻譯
There is a English introduction document
Use OpenAI ChatGPT to translate
This project has only one officially established demo website: Click Here
This project program was first created by ChatGPT, and then modified and uploaded by the author.
This project is designed for farmers selling beef tomatoes, allowing them to display the daily average price and transaction volume, as well as review historical data.
Both farmers and buyers can use this data as a reference for buying and selling beef tomatoes.
This project uses data provided by the Ministry of Agriculture Open Data Platform.
If this project contains any infringing content, please contact the developer to have it removed.