The ultimate app for testing and improving your FBLA knowledge
Full set of GUI Screenshots can be found here: screenshots.pdf
To install the app on your phone, you can either build the app through Android Studio or transfer the apk file found here to your phone and open it.
If the app is already on your phone, be sure to uninstall the app before following these steps to avoid any errors
- Launch the google play store and search for "Business Bud" or click here
- Install the app and open it
If the app is already on your phone, be sure to uninstall the app before following these steps to avoid any errors
- Open this exact webpage on your android phone's browser
- Click here to download the apk file to your device. If your phone is on Android 8.0 or higher, you'll be prompted to allow your browser to install APKs
- If your phone is on Android 7.0 or lower and you haven't already enabled installation from unknown sources, you will prompted to goto the settings app and enable it.
- Open the downloaded file to install the app
- Following the instructions found in the Android Studio section, open the app in Android Studio, click the app module in the Project window and then select Run > Run (or click Run
in the toolbar).
- In the Select Deployment Target window, click Create New Virtual Device.
- In the Select Hardware screen, select a phone device, such as Pixel, and then click Next.
- In the System Image screen, select the version with the highest API level. If you don't have that version installed, a Download link is shown, so click that and complete the download.
- Click Next.
- On the Android Virtual Device (AVD) screen, leave all the settings alone and click Finish.
- Back in the Select Deployment Target dialog, select the device you just created and click OK.
Android Studio can be downloaded to your computer from this link. Your installed Android Studio version should be greater than or equal to 3.4.
- Download the zip file from this link here: Project Zip File
- Unzip the content into a new folder
- Launch Android Studio, select Open an existing Android Studio project, navigate to the folder created in step 2. and select the folder "FBLA-Mobile-App-master". If a different project is already open in Android Studio, select File from the toolbar, then select Open... and navigate to the aforementioned folder.
Code files can be found in the "app/src/main/java/com/yousefhaggy/fblamobileapp/" directory or you can view them by going here
- Over 2000 official FBLA questions spanning across 25 tests and 15 categories
- Taking tests is seamless with a custom UI that provides smooth navigation between questions
- Easily share test scores with an integrated tweet button and facebook share
- Leveling and Achievement system that motivates users to continue using the app
- Automatic bug and crash reporting as well as the option to manually report bugs
- Ability to generate random quizzes for any category
- Ability to view recent test scores as well as average category scores