Stopwatch angular-js component.
Webpack Usage:
npm install
For production: npm run prod For development server: npm run dev
Then, open index.html under dist folder in working directory.
Using with Docker:
docker build -f build.Dockerfile -t webpack-angular-stopwatch .
docker create --name "bundlecontainer" webpack-angular-stopwatch
docker cp bundlecontainer:/beforeWebpack/dist ./
docker image rm -f webpack-angular-stopwatch
docker container rm -f bundlecontainer
docker build -f run.Dockerfile -t webpack-angular-stopwatch .
Create container on port 2000:
docker run -d -p 2000:80 webpack-angular-stopwatch
Then, open "http://localhost:2000/" in browser of your choice.
Example Usage of Angular Component:
<div ng-app="myApp">