A simple website business card containing personal data or project information. Uses POST and GET methods for page navigation and form submission. Implements AJAX to dynamically load page content based on user input.
You can visit the deployed site at: Live Demo
To deploy this project on InfinityFree, follow these steps:
Create an Account
- Go to InfinityFree and sign up for a free account.
- Verify your email and log in to the dashboard.
Set Up a Hosting Account
- Click "Create Account" and choose a free subdomain or use your own domain.
- Wait for the account to be activated.
Upload Project Files
- Open the File Manager in the InfinityFree dashboard, or use an FTP client like FileZilla.
- If using FileZilla:
- Host:
- Username & Password: Found in your InfinityFree account settings
- Port:
- Host:
- Upload your project files to the
Configure Database (If Needed)
- In the InfinityFree dashboard, go to "MySQL Databases" and create a database.
- Update your project’s database configuration with the provided database credentials.
Student Number | fraud | Authentication 3-ty | Register 3-ty |
6 | DDOS |
- JS