Python implementation of FusionQuery in paper FusionQuery: On-demand Fusion Queries over Multi-source Heterogeneous Data.
The code is tested on the environment as below.
- Python 3.8 or 3.9
- sentence-transformers 2.2.2 or 3.4.1
- faiss-gpu 1.7.2
- numpy 1.23.1 or 1.26.4
- pytorch 1.12.1 or 2.2.2
To run the code, create a python environment with conda first:
conda create -n your_env_name python=3.9
conda activate your_env_name
Install required packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
This repo contains two datasets, Movie and Book. We released KG version of these
two datasets in the data
. Each data source is stored in three files. Entities in source n,
are stored in ent_ids_n
, relations are stored in rel_ids_n
and triples are stored in
. The queries conducted on the datasets are stored in query.json
More datasets can be found in this web
Perform the entire workflow of FusionQuery.
python --data_root "./data/movie" \
--data_name movie \
--fusion_model FusionQuery \
--types JSON KG CSV \
--iters 20 \
--thres_for_query 0.9 \
--thres_for_fusion 0.4
The more detailed information about arguments is listed as follows.
Arguments | Explainations | Default |
--data_root |
root path of data | ../data/movie |
--data_name |
data name used in the current experiment | movie |
--fusion_model |
data fusion methods used in the framework (e.g., FusionQuery, DART, CASE, etc.) | FusionQuery |
--types |
data types used in the current experiment (a list) | JSON KG CSV |
--iters |
maximum iterations for convergence | 20 |
--thres_for_query |
initial matching threshold |
0 |
--thres_for_fusion |
threshold for data veracity | 0.5 |
--gpu |
the gpu device id | 0 |
--seed |
random seed | 2021 |