Time Series Dynamic Anomaly Detection with Transformer
python >= 3.6
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
AIOps challenge 2018: download and unzip data.
NAB: git download.
SkAB: git download.
Custom Server Metrics (CSM): non-public dataset.
all datasets will be processed to dataframe with the same sample_obj list: [sample_obj1, sample_obj2, ...],details:
sample_obj.sample_time: current time string
sample_obj.dataset: dataset name
sample_obj.data_des: which column or file is used to get data
sample_obj.sample_data: processed target data of current sample, processed sample df
sample_obj.label: label of current sample, 0 for exception and 1 for normal
start script (e.g. SkAB)
bash ./scripts/SkAB/SkAB-TSDynamicer.sh
If you have any question or want to use the code, please contact [email protected].
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