This code is part of the reproducibility package for the ICPC 2020 paper "Improved Code Summarization via a Graph Neural Network" - arxiv
The reproducibility package has three parts:
- the code found in this repository
- the trained models, predictions, and tokenizer (.tok) files can be downloaded HERE
- the fully processed data (as a pkl file) can be downloaded HERE
The dataset we used is from our NAACL'19 paper "Recommendations for Datasets for Source Code Summarization" where the unprocessed data can be found and downloaded HERE
This code uses Keras v2.3.1 and Tensorflow v1.15.2
To run the trained models from the paper download the three parts of the reproducibility package and run takes the path to the model file as a positional argument and will output the prediction file to ./modelout/predictions.
python3 {path to model} --gpu 0 --modeltype {model type: codegnngru|codegnnbilstm|codegnndense} --data {path to data download}
python3 ./mymodels/codegnngru.h5 --gpu 0 --modeltype codegnngru --data ./mymodels
To train a new model run with the modeltype and gpu options set.
python3 --gpu 0 --modeltype codegnnbilstm --data ./mydata
We have added our processing files to the processing directory. These files will not work without some tweaking due to hard coded paths/file names/databases but show how we processed our code, comments, and AST. To generate the base AST XML we use SrCML which can be downloaded HERE
title={Improved Code Summarization via a Graph Neural Network},
author={Alex LeClair, Sakib Haque, Lingfei Wu, Collin McMillan},
booktitle={2020 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Program Comprehension},