An ASP.NET web service to add order and get shipment details to the Epicor system.
- POST /token - Get the token to access the APIs
- POST /api/order/add - Creates an order
- GET /api/order/shipment - Get shipment details
- GET /api/order/status - Get the status of the order (Not yet implemented)
When you run the app, you can access the Swagger doc through this link: http://<server.address>:/swagger
- To access the APIs, you need to generate a token via POST /token endpoint by specifying a valid username and password
- API endpoints can only be invoked successfully when then token is specified in the request header ("Authorization: Bearer ")
- User login info (username/password) is stored in a local SQLite database (App_Data/AspNetCoreWebApiJwt.db)
- Download and install .NET Framework 4.7 Web Installer on the server
- Enable ASP.NET module in IIS
- Copy the files from publish folder TheHubASPNET\TheHub\bin\Release\Publish to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\TheHubASPNET
- Make sure that the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\TheHubASPNET folder has read, execute, and list folder permissions for IIS_IUSRS group
- Add "TheHubASPNET" website in IIS and point the physical path to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\TheHubASPNET
- Set TheHubASPNET Application Pool .NET CLR version to version v4.0x