The Simple Hour Glass. A simple, fast, CLI program to track time on projects.
The basic structure of sourglass is to be as simple and easy as possible. The first time you start sourglass it will create a .sourglass
folder in your home directory. In there you will find a logs
folder which will contain the time logs of any projects you start and a 'last' file which just holds the name and state of the last project you altered.
The log files are stored as .csv
Every statement that will leave a log entry (except for time shifts) can be followed by a memo.
Any oporation can have use the -p (--project) flag to set the project
If a project does not exist it will be made.
If a .sourglass file is in your current working directory and you did not set the -p flag the .sourglass file will be used as a log.
Print a help file
Set the project for the command to be run on
Leave a memo without changing the status of the log (Eg. if it was currently tracking after you leave the memo it will still be tracking)
Total up the hours on the project
Shift time by the amount specified (Ex: t-40m would remove 40 minutes from the log)
Remove the last x entries from the log.
Print an audit of the log with human readible times and memos and a total.
To start a new project type: python -p '<project name>' [optional memo]
To stop/start time tracking type python -p '<project name>'
To toggle the tracking status on the last project used type python
To print the hours logged on the current project type python -t
Typing python -p '.sourglass'
will create the log in your current working directory.