This repository contains the Berkeley Faded Parson's element and is designed to be used as a submodule.
Note, however, that the PrairieLearn server doesn't handle submodules properly when syncing a GitHub repo,
so to use this in a course, either the course's elements/
subdirectory will need to contain a copy of this repo,
or the top-level elements/
directory of the PrairieLearn build itself will need a copy of it.
This command will add the element to your project in the properly-named directory for PrairieLearn to use this element.
git submodule add ./elements/pl-faded-parsons/
The main branch is the most recent public release.
As detailed in the "Working on a Project with Submodules" section of the git book, pulling must be done with a different command.
From the top-level of your directory run:
git submodule update --remote ./elements/pl-faded-parsons/
If your Parsons problems test students' ability to write unit tests in RSpec,
we have developed an autograder companion to this tool .