Release v0.0.1-alpha.16
350 commits
to main
since this release
0.0.1-alpha.16 (2021-10-05)
Feature Updates
- ✨ finish ground works for radio (0b8c2b2)
- checkbox: ✨ add checkbox label (51713fa)
- checkbox: ✨ add text & description (3f881a4)
- checkbox: ✨ add updated checkbox core component (904f96d)
- checkbox: ✨ finalize the new rfc (d758d32)
- checkbox: ✨ implement best simple comp & more changes (d3a1d4c)
- checkbox: ✨ update checkbox with icon styles (54b4be2)
- checkbox: ✨ update simple method with state & more (2a2323f)
- checkbox: ✨ use reakit for custom checkbox (419243c)
- props: ✨ provide clone passing props (66df926)
- radio: ✨ finish radio component (2e5691e)
- tw-merge: ✨ add tailwind merge for cx (344045d)
Bug Fixes
- tailwindcss: 🐛 patch causing the builds to fail (cad73c9)
Test Updates
- spinner: ✅ fix spinner related test bugs (bad59e2)
Code Refactors
- box: ♻️ use box, tcm & cx whereever possible (24290ea)
- button: ♻️ finalize stateful & stateless code type (1afaa68)
- button: ♻️ update cloning & passing props (bdbdbfe)
- checkbox: ♻️ add useCheckboxProps & left context exp (3b61b2d)
- checkbox: ♻️ continue checkbox experimenting (2a50c05)
- checkbox: ♻️ properly move props from state (8aa55f3)
- checkbox: ♻️ reakit styled composition (656efb4)
- checkbox: ♻️ start checkbox with the lessons learned (fca2110)
- format: 🎨 update format for new prettier version (4fc69a8)
- spinner: ♻️ change aria to proper name label (d99c7ec)
- spinner: ♻️ use reakit spinner (ac0ec33)
Maintanance Updates
- ⬆️ upgrade deps (4da958e)
- 🔨 use yarn 3 and its patch (b263036)
- branch: 🔧 change master to main (c44db34)
- config: 🔧 update deps & patches (a59c586)
- config: 🔧 update dev setup configs (11aeee3)
- config: 🔧 update eslint import config (2f89443)
- deps: ✨ update prod & dev deps (eb211cd)
- deps: ⬆️ update actions/checkout action to v2 (#157) (bb1fa52)
- deps: ⬆️ update actions/setup-node action to v2 (#158) (7f4cd0a)
- deps: ⬆️ update dev dependencies (minor) (#155) (1797fa5)
- deps: ⬆️ update dev dependencies (minor) (#159) (43e6f45)
- deps: ⬆️ update dev dependencies (minor) (#160) (a2886fd)
- deps: ⬆️ update dev dependencies (minor) (#161) (df9459f)
- deps: ⬆️ update dev dependencies (minor) (#162) (887df74)
- deps: ⬆️ update dev deps (780693f)
- deps: ⬆️ update dev deps (dd48e73)
- deps: pin dependencies (#154) (76cc714)
- license: 🔧 update year (f312d58)
- package: ⬆️ add renovate to manage deps (#153) (9a63b39)
- package: ⬆️ update all deps to latest (3bf53db)
- package: ⬆️ upgrade dev deps (d67a57d)
- package: ⬆️update @types/node to version 16.10.1 (#150) (07493ad)
- package: ⬆️update all of jest to version 27.2.2 (#149) (a5ef30e)
- package: ⬆️update autoprefixer to version 10.3.6 (#151) (55825f3)
- package: ⬆️update postcss to version 8.3.8 (#148) (80d5747)
- package: ⬆️update postcss-cli to version 9.0.0 (#152) (9a6f04f)
- package: ⬆️update react-hook-form to version 7.16.0 (#147) (a4df117)
- package: ⬆️update sort-package-json to version 1.52.0 (#146) (f5abbae)
- package: 🔧 update build script (93db3de)
- storybook: 🔧 fix issue with stories (cadcfa9)
- twmerge: 🚚 rename cx to tcm being more appropriate (1b151ee)
Documentation Changes
- checkbox: ✨ add more stories and fix grouping bug (b33aa0b)
- checkbox: 📝 update story table for state (f375fe4)
- checkbox: 📝 add checkbox controlled story (0e3c95b)
- checkbox: 📝 add more custom stories (404bebe)
- radio: 📝 update stories & example with showmor component (#143) (ebee26d)
- storybook: 📝 refactor stories with better types (0b4fa56)
Build Updates
- github: 💚 add build pipeline (a089710)
- github: 💚 run build on push for only main (5bfcfc9)
- github: 💚 run test on push for only main (d98cd01)
- github: 💚 update test action name (bf53b6e)
- github: 🔧 add codeowner (4526390)
- npm: 💚 use npm instead of yarn (a651bf6)
- radio: 🔨 types bug with radio group (da582df)
- release-it: 💚 remove snapshot update in test (ff00cf7)
- size: 💚 add bundle size in ci (0b7e230)
- yarn: 👷 move back to yarn node-modules from pnp (75e07b9)
- yarn: 🔨 update to yarn pnp from node_modules (a00f77d)