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Release v1.3.0

Choose a tag to compare
@adrianmo adrianmo released this 26 Aug 10:25
· 33 commits to master since this release

New features

TAG Block struct

type TagBlock struct {
	Time         int64  // TypeUnixTime unix timestamp (unit is likely to be s, but might be ms, YMMV), parameter: -c
	RelativeTime int64  // TypeRelativeTime relative time, parameter: -r
	Destination  string // TypeDestinationID destination identification 15 char max, parameter: -d
	Grouping     string // TypeGrouping sentence grouping, parameter: -g
	LineCount    int64  // TypeLineCount line count, parameter: -n
	Source       string // TypeSourceID source identification 15 char max, parameter: -s
	Text         string // TypeTextString valid character string, parameter -t


Code example

NMEA 4.10 TAG Block values can be accessed via the message's TagBlock struct:

package main

import (

func main() {
	sentence := "\\s:Satelite_1,c:1553390539*62\\!AIVDM,1,1,,A,13M@ah0025QdPDTCOl`K6`nV00Sv,0*52"
	s, err := nmea.Parse(sentence)
	if err != nil {
	parsed := s.(nmea.VDMVDO)
	fmt.Printf("TAG Block timestamp: %v\n", time.Unix(parsed.TagBlock.Time, 0))
	fmt.Printf("TAG Block source:    %v\n", parsed.TagBlock.Source)

Output (locale/time zone dependent):

$  go run main/main.go
TAG Block timestamp: 2019-03-24 14:22:19 +1300 NZDT
TAG Block source:    Satelite_1

Thank you!

@klyve @simeonmiteff @icholy