Real Estate Scraper is a project developed to compare property prices amongst similar real estate options close to each other.
It works by extracting property prices and details from a Spanish website. The flow is the following:
- The user inputs an Excel file with a list of properties he/she wants to analyze
- The site interprets the file and lauches a scraping job for each inputed property
- For each property:
- A circunference around the property is cropped and posts of properties with similar characteristics are extracted.
- If enough posts match the characteristics of the property in the selected region, they are saved in the database, but if they are not enough another search is done on a larger search area
- An average of cheapest posts (in €/m²) is calculated to compare with original property
The app uses frameworks Django (for the website) and Scrapy (for web scraping).
The app has error reporting via a Telegram Bots
First of all, each user has to login so he/she can view only his/her jobs
Once logged in, the user can view the jobs started, and their status. The user can either download the data in an excel file, delete de job, or view the job details
If the user decides to view the details, a new screen shows up in which he/she can see each property and the average price found
Clone the repository
git clone
Install requirements
cd realestate-scraper
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the migrations for django
python makemigrations
python migrate
Create user
python createsuperuser
Start Django server
python runserver
On another terminal, run the Scrapy background process
cd scrapy_app && scrapyd
You will have your web running so you can access localhost:8000 and start using it!
There is an example input file for you to try it here