this simple code illustrates the basics of using argv/argc in c++ as a simple UI , it can be used in order to make tools in c++
objective ( print - reverse - upper - shuffleWord-shuffleStatement - delete - middle - add - random ) along with some simple error handling
ilustration : read the code , it's too simple :)
examples :
Command Line: a1.exe print my name is ahmed Expected output: my name is ahmed
Command Line: a1.exe reverse Cats love rabbits but rabbits hate cats Expected output: cats hate rabbits but rabbits love cats
Command Line: a1.exe upper i luv programming Expected output: I LUV PROGRAMMING
Command Line: a1.exe shuuffle structure Expected output: tsurtcrue
Command Line: a1.exe shuffleStatement Egypt has goodies Expected output: has Egypt goodies
Command Line: a1.exe delete 3 12 5 good 3 nice Expected output: 12 5 3 nice
Command Line: a1.exe middle 3 12 5 good 3 nice Expected output: 5 good
Command Line: a1.exe add 4 5 6 2 Expected output: 17
Command Line: a1.exe random 10 1 10 4 a1.exe random sequenceLength minNumber maxNumber seedValue Expected output: 8 2 10 3 10 1 7 8 7 1
ERROR Handling number of arguments shall be checked for , the follwing error messages are used : Undefined Command Incorrect Number of Arguments� Incorrect Data Type�