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Merge pull request #36 from aidancrilly/pyendf
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Swapped to using ENDF files for cross section data
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aidancrilly authored Apr 19, 2024
2 parents 230d9ea + 2433f04 commit 97dfb47
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Showing 48 changed files with 110,600 additions and 34,076 deletions.
9 changes: 1 addition & 8 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,25 +40,18 @@ pip install -e .
## Current model specifications:
- Primary spectrum models for DT, DD and TT
- Elastic and inelastic (n,2n) processes for D and T
- ENDF file interface using [ENDF-python](
- Relativistic corrections to elastic scattering kernels
- Scattering of all primary neutron sources
- Inclusion of areal density asymmetry effects and variable fuel fractions
- Backscatter edge shape effects from scattering ion kinematics
- Preliminary scattering in H, 12C, 9Be support
- Synthetic neutron time-of-flight tools

## Future model developments:
- Fitting models with ion kinematic approximations
- Pre-computed table support for backscatter edge matrix
- Knock-on ion spectra

## DT cross section and reactivity data:
ENDF: nT elastic, nD elastic, nH elastic, T(n,2n), TT primary

CENDL: D(n,2n), n12C elastic and 4.4 MeV inelastic

Bosch-Hale: DT primary, DD primary

## Publications:
The models used in this code are described in the following publications:

Expand Down
196 changes: 106 additions & 90 deletions example/NeSST Guide.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions pyproject.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"

name = "NeSST"
version = "1.0.0"
version = "1.1.0"
description = "Neutron Scattered Spectra Tool, ICF primary and scattered neutron spectroscopy analysis code"
readme = ""
classifiers = [
Expand All @@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ keywords = ["python", "reactor", "fusion", "power", "sankey"]
dependencies = [

Expand All @@ -35,7 +36,8 @@ test = [

"" = ["*.dat", "*.txt","*.csv"]
"" = ["*.dat", "*.txt","*.csv","*.json"]
"" = ["*.endf", "*.cendl","*.brond"]

package-dir = {"" = "src"}
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion src/NeSST/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
''' Contains some physical constants used throughout the analysis '''
import scipy.constants as sc
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt

# Scipy constants uses CODATA2018 database

# Need to swap from MeV to eV
Expand All @@ -27,4 +29,5 @@
# Directories
import os
package_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
data_dir = os.path.join(package_directory,"./data/")
data_dir = os.path.join(package_directory,"./data/")
ENDF_dir = os.path.join(data_dir,"./ENDF/")
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/NeSST/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -443,10 +443,10 @@ def mat_scatter_spec(mat : typing.Type[sm.material_data],
total = mat.elastic_dNdE
total = mat.elastic_dNdE.copy()
total += mat.n2n_dNdE
total += mat.inelastic_dNdE
return total

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233 changes: 60 additions & 173 deletions src/NeSST/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,25 +1,54 @@
# Backend of spectral model
import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial.legendre import legval
from dataclasses import dataclass
from NeSST.constants import *
from NeSST.utils import *
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
import NeSST.collisions as col

# Differential cross sections #

class NeSST_SDX:
Ein : npt.NDArray
points : npt.NDArray
values : npt.NDArray

class NeSST_DDX:
NEin : int
Ein : list
Ncos : list
cos : list
NEout : dict
Eout : dict
f : dict
Emax : dict

# Elastic single differential cross sections

def diffxsec_table_eval(sig,mu,E,table):

xi = np.column_stack((E.flatten(),mu.flatten()))
# Rescale is very important, gives poor results otherwise
interp = griddata(table.points,table.values,xi,rescale=True).reshape(mu.shape)

ans = sig*interp
ans[np.abs(mu) > 1.0] = 0.0
return ans

# Interpolate the legendre coefficients (a_l) of the differential cross section
# See
def interp_Tlcoeff(dx_spline,E_vec):
def interp_Tlcoeff(legendre_dx_spline,E_vec):
size = [E_vec.shape[0]]
NTl = len(dx_spline)
NTl = len(legendre_dx_spline)
Tlcoeff = np.zeros(size)
for i in range(NTl):
Tlcoeff[:,i] = dx_spline[i](E_vec)
Tlcoeff[:,i] = legendre_dx_spline[i](E_vec)
return Tlcoeff,NTl

# Evaluate the differential cross section by combining legendre and cross section
Expand All @@ -39,12 +68,12 @@ def diffxsec_legendre_eval(sig,mu,coeff):
# CoM frame differential cross section wrapper fucntion
def f_dsdO(Ein_vec,mu,material):

dx_spline = material.dx_spline
Tlcoeff_interp,Nl = interp_Tlcoeff(dx_spline,Ein_vec)
Tlcoeff_interp = 0.5*(2*np.arange(0,Nl)+1)*Tlcoeff_interp

sig = material.sigma(Ein_vec)

legendre_dx_spline = material.legendre_dx_spline
Tlcoeff_interp,Nl = interp_Tlcoeff(legendre_dx_spline,Ein_vec)
Tlcoeff_interp = 0.5*(2*np.arange(0,Nl)+1)*Tlcoeff_interp

dsdO = diffxsec_legendre_eval(sig,mu,Tlcoeff_interp)
return dsdO

Expand All @@ -54,151 +83,26 @@ def dsigdOmega(A,Ein,Eout,Ein_vec,muin,muout,vf,material):
return f_dsdO(Ein_vec,mu_CoM,material)

# Inelastic double differential cross sections

def ENDF_format(x):
x_after_decimal = x.split('.')[1]
if('+' in x_after_decimal):
sign = '+'
elif('-' in x_after_decimal):
sign = '-'
exp = x.split(sign)[-1]
num = x[:-(len(exp)+1)]
if(sign == '-'):
return float(num)*10**(-int(exp))
elif(sign == '+'):
return float(num)*10**(+int(exp))
print("Strange ENDF float detected....")
return 0.0

# Reads and interpolated data saved in the ENDF interpreted data format
class doubledifferentialcrosssection_data:

def __init__(self,filexsec,fileddx,ENDF):
self.filexsec = filexsec
self.fileddx = fileddx
self.ENDF = ENDF

def read_xsec_file(self):
with open(self.filexsec,"r") as f:
file =
# Read number of points
self.NEin_xsec = int(file.split()[0])
self.Ein_xsec = np.zeros(self.NEin_xsec)
self.xsec = np.zeros(self.NEin_xsec)
counter = 0
data = "".join(file.split("\n")[5:]).split()
E = data[::2]
x = data[1::2]
for i in range(self.NEin_xsec):
self.Ein_xsec[i] = ENDF_format(E[i])
self.xsec[i] = ENDF_format(x[i])
self.xsec_interp = interpolate_1d(self.Ein_xsec,self.xsec,method='linear',bounds_error=False,fill_value=0.0)

def read_ddx_file(self):
with open(self.fileddx,"r") as f:
file ="\n")
# Read number of points
self.NEin_ddx = int(file[1].split()[0])
self.Ein_ddx = np.zeros(self.NEin_ddx)
# Read data
Ecounter = 0
Ccounter = 0
read_cosine = False
read_energy = False
read_data = False
self.Ncos_ddx = []
self.cos_ddx = []
self.NEout_ddx = {}
self.Eout_ddx = {}
self.f_ddx = {}
self.f_ddx_interp = {}
self.Emax_ddx = {}
# Read in all the array axes
for Lcounter,line in enumerate(file):
line_split = line.split()
if(line_split != []):
# Read number of cosines for given incoming energy
read_cosine = False
Ccounter = 0
# Read number of energies for given incoming energy and cosine
NEout = int(line_split[0])
self.NEout_ddx[(Ecounter-1,Ccounter-1)] = NEout
self.Eout_ddx[(Ecounter-1,Ccounter-1)] = np.zeros(NEout)
self.f_ddx[(Ecounter-1,Ccounter-1)] = np.zeros(NEout)
read_energy = False
idx1 = Lcounter + 4
idx2 = idx1 + int(np.ceil(NEout/3)) + 1
read_data = True
# Read in the data
data = "".join(file[idx1:idx2]).split()
E = data[::2]
x = data[1::2]
for i in range(NEout):
self.Eout_ddx[(Ecounter-1,Ccounter-1)][i] = ENDF_format(E[i])
self.f_ddx[(Ecounter-1,Ccounter-1)][i] = ENDF_format(x[i])
self.f_ddx_interp[(Ecounter-1,Ccounter-1)] = interpolate_1d(self.Eout_ddx[(Ecounter-1,Ccounter-1)],self.f_ddx[(Ecounter-1,Ccounter-1)],method='linear',bounds_error=False,fill_value=0.0)
self.Emax_ddx[(Ecounter-1,Ccounter-1)] = np.max(self.Eout_ddx[(Ecounter-1,Ccounter-1)])
read_data = False
# Read incoming energy
if(line_split[0] == 'Energy:'):
self.Ein_ddx[Ecounter] = ENDF_format(line_split[1])
Ecounter += 1
# Prep for cosine number read in
elif(" ".join(line_split) == 'Cosine Interpolation:'):
read_cosine = True
# Read number of secondary energies
elif(" ".join(line_split) == 'Secondary-Energy Interpolation:'):
read_energy = True
elif('Cosine:' in line):
line_split_c = line.split(":")[1]
self.cos_ddx[Ecounter-1][Ccounter] = ENDF_format(line_split_c)
Ccounter += 1

def read_ddx_file_csv(self):
self.NEin_ddx = 2
self.Ein_ddx = np.array([0.0,14.0e6])
data = np.loadtxt(self.fileddx,delimiter=',',skiprows=1)
angles,counts = np.unique(data[:,-1],return_counts=True)
cos = np.cos(angles[::-1]*np.pi/180.)
NC = cos.shape[0]
self.Ncos_ddx = [NC,NC]
self.cos_ddx = [cos,cos]
E_prev = 0.0
self.NEout_ddx = {}
self.Eout_ddx = {}
self.f_ddx = {}
def __init__(self,ENDF_LAW6_xsec_data,ENDF_LAW6_dxsec_data):
self.xsec_interp = interpolate_1d(ENDF_LAW6_xsec_data['E'],ENDF_LAW6_xsec_data['sig'],method='linear',bounds_error=False,fill_value=0.0)

self.NEin_ddx = ENDF_LAW6_dxsec_data['DDX'].NEin
self.Ein_ddx = ENDF_LAW6_dxsec_data['DDX'].Ein
self.Ncos_ddx = ENDF_LAW6_dxsec_data['DDX'].Ncos
self.cos_ddx = ENDF_LAW6_dxsec_data['DDX'].cos
self.NEout_ddx = ENDF_LAW6_dxsec_data['DDX'].NEout
self.Eout_ddx = ENDF_LAW6_dxsec_data['DDX'].Eout
self.f_ddx = ENDF_LAW6_dxsec_data['DDX'].f
self.Emax_ddx = ENDF_LAW6_dxsec_data['DDX'].Emax

# Build interpolator dict
self.f_ddx_interp = {}
self.Emax_ddx = {}
idx = data[:,0].shape[0]
i = 0
for ic in range(NC-1,-1,-1):
NEout = counts[ic]
self.NEout_ddx[(0,i)] = NEout
self.Eout_ddx[(0,i)] = data[idx-NEout:idx,1]
self.f_ddx[(0,i)] = np.zeros(NEout)
self.NEout_ddx[(1,i)] = NEout
self.Eout_ddx[(1,i)] = data[idx-NEout:idx,1]
# From barns to mbarns, from sr to per cosine, from number of neutrons to cross section
self.f_ddx[(1,i)] = 0.5*(2*np.pi)*data[idx-NEout:idx,0]/1e3
self.f_ddx_interp[(0,i)] = interpolate_1d(self.Eout_ddx[(0,i)],self.f_ddx[(0,i)],method='linear',bounds_error=False,fill_value=0.0)
self.Emax_ddx[(0,i)] = np.max(self.Eout_ddx[(0,i)])
self.f_ddx_interp[(1,i)] = interpolate_1d(self.Eout_ddx[(1,i)],self.f_ddx[(1,i)],method='linear',bounds_error=False,fill_value=0.0)
self.Emax_ddx[(1,i)] = np.max(self.Eout_ddx[(1,i)])
idx -= NEout
i += 1
self.xsec_interp = lambda x : 1.
for Ecounter in range(self.NEin_ddx):
for Ccounter in range(self.Ncos_ddx[Ecounter]):
self.f_ddx_interp[(Ecounter,Ccounter)] = interpolate_1d(self.Eout_ddx[(Ecounter,Ccounter)],self.f_ddx[(Ecounter,Ccounter)],method='linear',bounds_error=False,fill_value=0.0)

# Interpolate using Unit Base Transform
def interpolate(self,Ein,mu,Eout):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -285,31 +189,14 @@ def regular_grid(self,Ein,mu,Eout):

class doubledifferentialcrosssection_LAW6:

def __init__(self,filexsec,A_i,A_e,A_t,A_p,A_tot,Q_react):
self.A_i = A_i
self.A_e = A_e
self.A_t = A_t
self.A_p = A_p
self.A_tot = A_tot
self.Q_react = Q_react
self.filexsec = filexsec

def read_xsec_file(self):
with open(self.filexsec,"r") as f:
file =
# Read number of points
self.NEin_xsec = int(file.split()[0])
self.Ein_xsec = np.zeros(self.NEin_xsec)
self.xsec = np.zeros(self.NEin_xsec)
counter = 0
data = "".join(file.split("\n")[5:]).split()
E = data[::2]
x = data[1::2]
for i in range(self.NEin_xsec):
self.Ein_xsec[i] = ENDF_format(E[i])
self.xsec[i] = ENDF_format(x[i])
self.xsec_interp = interpolate_1d(self.Ein_xsec,self.xsec,method='linear',bounds_error=False,fill_value=0.0)
def __init__(self,ENDF_LAW6_xsec_data,ENDF_LAW6_dxsec_data):
self.A_i = ENDF_LAW6_dxsec_data['A_i']
self.A_e = ENDF_LAW6_dxsec_data['A_e']
self.A_t = ENDF_LAW6_dxsec_data['A_t']
self.A_p = ENDF_LAW6_dxsec_data['A_p']
self.A_tot = ENDF_LAW6_dxsec_data['A_tot']
self.Q_react = ENDF_LAW6_dxsec_data['Q_react']
self.xsec_interp = interpolate_1d(ENDF_LAW6_xsec_data['E'],ENDF_LAW6_xsec_data['sig'],method='linear',bounds_error=False,fill_value=0.0)

def ddx(self,Ein,mu,Eout):
E_star = Ein*self.A_i*self.A_e/(self.A_t+self.A_i)**2
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9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions src/NeSST/data/Be9.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
"n-004_Be_009.endf" :
"total" : true,
"elastic" : true,
"inelastic" : true,
"n2n" : true
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions src/NeSST/data/C12.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
"n-006_C_012.endf" :
"total" : true,
"elastic" : true,
"inelastic" : true,
"n2n" : false

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