I started this TIL repository to improve my technical skills and also keep track of my learning process. I do not know whither this journey will get me, but I want to take the first step!
What I have so far:
- Curl webpage title
- Custom Rss
- Dmenu numbering options
- Jekyll make URLs clickable
- Jekyll serve for local devices
- Learn Regex with RegexPal
- Markdown add images with captions
- Markdown Preview with Glow Vim
- Markdown to odt with pandoc and bibtex
- Pip mass update
- Pywal and feh for wallpapering
- Set wallpapers with feh
- Vim copy filename to clipboard
- Vim incrementation with vertical highlight
- Vim map multiple commands
- Vim paste inline in insert mode
- Youtube bulk unsubcribing
- Youtube-dl forks
- Zenity GUI for your bash scripts