A collaborative workspace (studio) for constructing and publishing semantic knowledge networks and ontologies.
The application is devided into two sub-apps. Gstudio and Objectapp. The former includes classes for organizing the network or constructing an ontology. The latter includes classes for holding the instances of object-types, process-types and system-types.
To hold Classes which have other classes as its members. e.g. "abstract noun", "adjective", "phylem", "class", "genus", "species" etc.
Object types
To hold Classes: e.g. "thing", "being", "living being", "animals", "cat", "place", "person" etc.
Relation types
To define binary relations (object properties) between classes and objects. e.g., "part of", "friend of", "composed of", "located in" etc. * Attribute types
To define datatype properties for classes and objects. e.g., "population", "size", "length", "height", "first name", "phone number" etc.
System types
To bring together some of the classes into a system or an ontology, a collection of the types defined above for convenience. You can bring together the required classes, relations and attributes into
Process types
To define a process as prior and post states of classes or objects.
To store attributes
To store binary relations
Node Specification
A node specified (described) by its relations or attributes or both.
Relation Specification
To create an expression using a relation with a subject, e.g., "friend of Tom", "components of a cell" etc.
Attribute Specification
To specify an attribute by a subject to say for example: population of India, color of a flower etc. These do not yeild a proposition but an expression, which can be used as a subject in another sentence.
Expression is more like a relation between two terms, but it does not yeild a proposition, e.g., "Researchers in India", "students residing in India" etc. It is modelled more like relation class, except that the result is not a proposition/triple.
To define a class by a union relation between two or more classes.
To define a class as a compleemnt of two or more classes.
To define a class as an intersection between two or more classes.
To hold the instances of Object types: "Mumbai", "Tom" etc.
To hold the instances of System types.
To hold the instances of processes.
The application is built as a collaborative on line platform with the following features.
All the changes by the users will be recorded. This feature is implemented using using django-reversion.
Basic registration, authentication mechanism.
- neighbourhood graphs and concept graphs
- data in RDF format
- rdf feed to a triple store
- sparql endpoint
- export and import of standard knowledge representation languages: CL, OWL, XTM etc.
The following features are adopted from django-blog-zinnia code base with a lot of gratitude. Thanks to an excellent codebase of django-blog-zinnia, which taught us best software development practices as well! After reviewing each feature for the purpose of semantic blogging, we will retain or extend the following features.
- Comments
- Sitemaps
- Archives views
- Related entries
- Private entries
- RSS or Atom Feeds
- Tags
- Advanced search engine
- Prepublication and expiration
- Edition in MarkDown, Textile or reStructuredText
- Widgets (Popular entries, Similar entries, ...)
- Spam protection with Akismet or TypePad
- Admin dashboard
- MetaWeblog API, xmlrpc
- Ping Directories
- Ping External links
- Bit.ly support
- Twitter support
- Gravatar support
- Django-CMS plugins
- Collaborative work
- Tags autocompletion
- Entry model extendable
- Pingback/Trackback support
- Blogger conversion utility
- WordPress conversion utility
- WYMeditor, TinyMCE and MarkItUp support
- Ready to use and extendables templates
- Windows Live Writer compatibility
A sandbox site will give you a preview of the application. Visit http://sbox.gnowledge.org/
The project management is done from Savannah: https://savannah.gnu.org/projects/gnowsys/
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