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Scope 🔍

Evergreen browsers ✓ IN IE11 out
Serverless (= Firebase) ✓ IN server out
Social login ✓ IN handling passwords out

The repo provides a web component for social sign-in providers. The intention is to be open to multiple providers, and deal with them dynamically - so that the dependency footprint is zero. One's application provides the necessary dependencies for the component.

Having multiple sign-in providers is the aim.

stability comments
Google auth (IdP) stable via @firebase/auth


  • node

Google Identity Platform application or Firebase application

To use aside-keys, you need to create a Google Identity Platform project (which automatically creates a Firebase project of the same id), or a Firebase web project.

Note: Google Identity Platform is essentially Firebase auth on steroids (without needing to use Firebase for anything else). Their APIs are the same.

In particular:

  • get "API key" and "auth domain" from the Firebase console. instructions

    • create a "web app" entry for this
    • create a file .env.local that carries those keys:
    # .env.local

Note that the degree of secrecy concerning those values is arguable. On the one side, they are visible for anyone using your web app. On the other, Google recommends not keeping them in version control.

It also seems that whether you create the values via Firebase or Google Identity Platform might affect this. If you use the latter, restrict their powers to authentication only:

  1. Google Cloud console > APIs & Services > Credentials > API Keys > Browser key (auto created by Firebase) (click)
  2. API Restrictions > Restrict key > [x] Identity Toolkit API

Getting started

$ npm install
$ npm run dev 

Open a browser at localhost:5000.


GIdP/Firebase Auth values


[ACTIVE; WIP] Web components for Firebase login







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