Compiler for a simple programming language called Tony, written for the purposes of the NTUA ECE undergraduate compilers course. The specification of the language can be found under docs/tony2020.pdf
- C++17
- LLVM, version 10 or higher (tested up to version 17).
- fmt library,
Simply run make
to create the compiler executable, tc.
Run ./tc testcase.tony
. A file named ir.ll is created which contains the LLVM IR of the input program. You can display the usage of tc by running ./tc --help
- Readable error messages, trying to replicate clang's error messages, such as the following:
invalid.tony:4:19: error: invalid operand types to binary operator '+' ('int' and 'char')
return 42 + "Hello World!\n"[0]
~~ ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
invalid.tony:6:24: error: prepending 'int' to list of incompatible element type 'char'
return head(17 # 'A' # nil)
~~ ^ ~~~~~~~~~
invalid.tony:13:13: error: passing 'bool' to parameter of incompatible type 'char'
bar(42, 42 > 17, '\n')
invalid.tony:9:25: note: passing argument to parameter 'c' here
def bar(int i; char c; bool b):
3 errors generated.
- Pretty printing of the AST. For example, with input file
and the--dump-ast
option given, the following output is produced:
FunctionDef <1:5> main
│ └─FunctionDef <3:14> reverse char[]
│ ├─DeclarationList
│ │ └─VariableDecl <3:30> s char[]
│ ├─DeclarationList
│ │ ├─VariableDecl <4:12> t char[]
│ │ ├─VariableDecl <5:9> i int
│ │ └─VariableDecl <5:12> l int
│ └─StatementList
│ ├─AssignmentStmt <7:5-7:18>
│ │ ├─IdentifierExpr <7:5-7:5> int l
│ │ └─CallExpr <7:10-7:18> int strlen
│ │ └─ExpressionList
│ │ └─IdentifierExpr <7:17-7:17> char[] s
│ ├─AssignmentStmt <8:5-8:22>
│ │ ├─IdentifierExpr <8:5-8:5> char[] t
│ │ └─NewExpr <8:10-8:22> char[] char
│ │ └─BinaryExpr <8:19-8:21> int +
│ │ ├─IdentifierExpr <8:19-8:19> int l
│ │ └─IntegerExpr <8:21-8:21> int 1
│ ├─ForStmt <9:5-9:53>
│ │ ├─StatementList
│ │ │ └─AssignmentStmt <9:9-9:14>
│ │ │ ├─IdentifierExpr <9:9-9:9> int i
│ │ │ └─IntegerExpr <9:14-9:14> int 0
│ │ ├─BinaryExpr <9:17-9:21> bool <
│ │ │ ├─IdentifierExpr <9:17-9:17> int i
│ │ │ └─IdentifierExpr <9:21-9:21> int l
│ │ ├─StatementList
│ │ │ └─AssignmentStmt <9:24-9:31>
│ │ │ ├─IdentifierExpr <9:24-9:24> int i
│ │ │ └─BinaryExpr <9:29-9:31> int +
│ │ │ ├─IdentifierExpr <9:29-9:29> int i
│ │ │ └─IntegerExpr <9:31-9:31> int 1
│ │ └─StatementList
│ │ └─AssignmentStmt <9:34-9:49>
│ │ ├─IndexAccessExpr <9:34-9:37> char
│ │ │ ├─IdentifierExpr <9:34-9:34> char[] t
│ │ │ └─IdentifierExpr <9:36-9:36> int i
│ │ └─IndexAccessExpr <9:42-9:49> char
│ │ ├─IdentifierExpr <9:42-9:42> char[] s
│ │ └─BinaryExpr <9:44-9:48> int -
│ │ ├─BinaryExpr <9:44-9:46> int -
│ │ │ ├─IdentifierExpr <9:44-9:44> int l
│ │ │ └─IdentifierExpr <9:46-9:46> int i
│ │ └─IntegerExpr <9:48-9:48> int 1
│ ├─AssignmentStmt <10:5-10:16>
│ │ ├─IndexAccessExpr <10:5-10:8> char
│ │ │ ├─IdentifierExpr <10:5-10:5> char[] t
│ │ │ └─IdentifierExpr <10:7-10:7> int i
│ │ └─CharacterExpr <10:13-10:16> char '\x00'
│ └─ReturnStmt <11:5-11:12>
│ └─IdentifierExpr <11:12-11:12> char[] t
└─CallStmt <14:3-14:33> puts
└─CallExpr <14:8-14:32> char[] reverse
└─StringExpr <14:16-14:31> char[] "\x0A!dlrow olleH"
Modern Compiler Implementation in C, by Andrew W. Appel