AliOS Things v2.0.0 release note
ZIP Package MD5:436d5ccfcab6d19c10545846c5c1b17f
Clone Command: git clone -b rel_2.0.0
- Link Kit upgraded to 2.2.1;
- BLE Breeze assisted WiFi provisioning added;
- Sensor Data to Cloud (DTC) function added;
- Incremental Over the Air (OTA) upgrade supported;
- More architectures and CPUs supported;
Detailed Enhancements:
- Link Kit:
- Dynamic register function added: single firmware can be burn into thousands of devices, instead of hardcode ID string for each device;
- New offline countdown app added, demonstrating how to implement offline countdown function using LinkKit APIs;
- Network:
- BLE Breeze assisted WiFi provisioning added;
- AT Host protocol enhanced: Mqtt and Coap protocols supported;
- LoRa turnkey version added; LoRA HAL APIs provided and ICA LoRa AT specification supported;
- ID2 one-time provisioning added
- uData:
- Sensor Data to Cloud(DTC) function added;
- 3rd party sensor algorithm and service supported;
- Static sensor calibration APIs added;
- Sensor APIs upgraded to 2.0: supported I2C,SPI,Modbus bus protocols; added IRQ support;
- OTA:
- Incremental OTA added (currently supported mk3060 & esp8266);
- OTA firmware digital signature verification supported;
- Secure download channel over iTLS https protocols added;
- Core OS:
- OS backtrace and panic modules added, supporting main architectures (Cortex-M, Cortex-A, Xtensa, etc.);
- Task statistics function added; power management module added;
- Modbus-master protocol supported;
- New architectures support added: Cortex-A9 and RSIC-V;
- 网络连接:
- 增加动态注册功能,一份固件可烧录多台设备,无需每台设备烧录不同的标识字符串;
- 增加离线倒计时例程,演示如何用linkkit API编写离线倒计时功能;
- 增加基于BLE Breeze的蓝牙辅助配网功能;
- 增加AT Host中MQTT和CoAP的支持;
- 增加LoRa Turnkey版本,提供HAL移植接口、ICA LoRa AT指令集合功能;
- uData组件:
- 支持数据上云功能;
- 支持传感器第三方应用服务和传感器算法;
- 支持传感器静态校准接口;
- 传感器API2.0,支持SPI、I2C、MODBUS接口,以及传感器驱动中断处理;
- OTA:
- 差分增量升级,已支持mk3060和esp8266平台;
- 固件数字签名验证;
- 基于iTLS https安全下载通道支持;
- 基础OS:
- 新增调用栈回溯、异常解析功能,覆盖Cortex-M, Cortex-A, Xtensa等主流架构;
- 增加任务占用率统计、电源管理功能;
- 增加modbus主模式协议;
- 增加Cortex-A9与RSIC-V的支持;