This project contains the research code used in my Master's thesis.
It is a critic evaluation of different published algorithms on ONE environment, using publicly available datasets. The recommender domain in general suffers from the problem of missing comparability and reproducibility. Hence, I chose it as my master thesis' goal to compare them in an offline and online evaluation setting.
- TPGR (Tree-based policy gradient)
- Top-K Off-Policy Correction
- Wolpertinger (alias KNN-Actor-Critic)
- LIRD (List-Wise Recommendations)
- NEWS (Parametric DQN)
- QR-DQN (Quantile-Regression DQN)
- REM (Random Ensemble Mixture)
The thesis PDF is located in the root of the project. If you intend to use the code or information from the thesis, make sure to cite.
author = {Alexander Grimm},
title = {Model-Free Deep Reinforcement Learning for Interactive Recommender Systems: An Evaluation},
school = {Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg, Germany},
year = 2020,
address = {},
month = 6
The environment used can be built either with the requirements.txt file, but pytorch needs to be added. Otherwise the Dockerfile creates a full working docker container.
The project's structure is based on and uses components from
The library is put under drlap
However, most used functions and classes are re-implemented for efficiency and readability.
The used datasets can be downloaded from:
To preprocess the data do:
python3 data/movielens/ /path/to/ml/directory (same for 1 and 25M)
python3 data/ /path/to/ml/directory
python3 data/taobao/ /path/to/taobao/directory
python3 data/ /path/to/taoabo/directory
the data is expected to be in the following directory structure:
|- taobao
|- ml
|- ml-1m
|- ml-25m
The simulator is built with the script in data/simulation/
and word2vec vectors with data/word2vec/
See the respective kube.yaml files for execution details.
The main script is in run/ and takes several arguments.
A kubernetes version is also available in
that automatically creates multiple jobs,
one for each seed,dataset and agent respectively.
All that needs to be done is to adapt information in
and the yaml template can be found in run/kube.yaml.jinja2
Each ./scheduler can be replaced with python run/, BUT it does only take one seed,data and agent argument. Furthermore, --data must be ml/ml-1m ml/ml-25m respectively.
Batch-RL we always use word2vec embeddings and no pretraining (because everything is supervised). It is best to look at the arguments of the scheduler script. data, seed and agent can be a list of multiples.
A version with all arguments:
./scheduler --agent gru qrdqn tpgr rem dueling news wolpertinger lird correction --data ml-1m taobao ml-25m --subdir batch-rl --name dir_name_in_subdir --word2vec 16 --batch --seed 0 1 2 --num_episodes 5000
The essential keyword is --batch
This command would create 81 kubernetes jobs (9 agents x 3 datasets x 3 seeds).
A single run can also be specified with train_main directly
python3 run/ --agent gru --data ml/ml-1m --subdir batch-rl --name dir_name_in_subdir --word2vec 16 --batch --seed 0 --num_episodes 5000
The offline test is automatically executed after training, where it picks the best model on the valid set.
For evaluation on the simulator do:
python3 run/ path_to_experiment_subdir bpr
E.g. if in the offline evaluation everything was saved in the subdir/name batch-rl/dir_name_in_subdir, this would be the path and the best model seeds of each version is automatically found
For the baselines we need to
python run/run_static_baselines [ml/ml-1m or ml/ml-25m or taobao]