Lychen is an environmental and agricultural symbiosis platform aiming to connect diverse actors across the local territory. Our platform brings together food producers, consumers, researchers, local communities, and other stakeholders in a collaborative space to foster sustainable agricultural practices and environmental initiatives.
The platform serves as a digital hub for:
- Food Production: Centralizing agricultural resources and connecting producers with local distribution channels.
- Food Consumption: Educating and supporting consumers in making sustainable food choices.
- Waste Valorization: Providing resources and strategies for repurposing organic waste.
- Local Activities: Coordinating events, workshops, and community initiatives that strengthen the local ecosystem.
By promoting symbiotic relationships between these actors, Lychen encourages ecological and sustainable practices that support biodiversity, food security, and a resilient local economy.
Lychen is an GPL-3.0-licensed open source project with its ongoing development made possible entirely by the support backers. If you'd like to join them, please consider sponsoring Lychen development.
For questions and support please use the official forum or community chat. The issue list of this repo is exclusively for bug reports and feature requests.
We strive to use the best technologies available for each purpose. We are not driven by trends 🦄
Each technology is carefully chosen to ensure maintainability, developer skill improvement and satisfaction, scalability, and performance.
- PHP < 8
- Symfony < 7
- Symfony Workflow < 7
- ApiPlatform < 4
- PostgreSQL < 16
- FrankenPHP < 1.4
- RabbitMQ < 4
- TypeScript < 5.8
- Vue.js < 3 with Composition API and
<script lang="ts" setup/>
(no Nuxt) - Vite < 6 with plugins to build SSG and PWA
- Reka UI for components
- Inspira UI for components
- shadcn-vue for components
- tailwindcss > 4 with custom design system close to Material Design rules
- Tanstack Query Powerful asynchronous state management
- Tanstack Table Headless UI for building powerful tables & datagrids
- Yarn < 4 as package manager
- Moonrepo for managing projects, libs and tasks (monorepo)
- Docker to ensure iso-prod environment between dev and production (with compose)
- GitHub you got the reason I guess
- MidJourney Image generation. Subscription offered free of charge by Alpsify
- Dokploy Servers provided free of charge by Alpsify
- Zitadel Identity infrastructure
- Huly An open-source platform, serves as an all-in-one replacement of Linear, Jira, Slack, and Notion.
Please make sure to read the Contributing Guide before making a pull request.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed or will contribute to Lychen!🙏🏽🫰🏽
Copyright (c) 2024-present, Alpsify