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Technical assignment test for


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Repository files navigation coding assignment

Technical assignment test for, July 2019.


A description of the expected assignment is located here.

Getting Started


This project works on the following operating systems:

  • Linux,
  • macOS,
  • Windows.

This project requires the following item to be installed and configured in your environment:

  • Java 8.


  1. Clone the repository to your local computer.

    git clone
  2. Enter the project directory.

    cd coding-assignment-becare
  3. Package the project with Maven.

    ./mvnw package
  4. Run the application.

    java -jar target/coding-assignment.becare-<version>.jar
  5. Navigate to http://localhost:8080.


You can run the application with one of the following Spring Boot profiles:

  • debug-dev,
  • dev,
  • staging,
  • prod.

To select a profile append the parameter<profile-name> on the java command line. The default profile to be selected is dev if you do not specify any on the command line.

Here is a comparison chart between all the embedded profiles:

debug-dev dev staging prod
Database engine H2 H2 H2 H2
Storage type File In-Memory File File
Schema migrator Hibernate Hibernate Flyway Flyway
Database population Yes Yes Yes No
Database persistence Yes No Yes Yes
Might need deletion Yes No Yes No
Verbosity Trace + Hibernate Debug Info Info
Performance Horrible Bad Ok Ok

The database population file is located at $PROJECT_DIR$/src/main/resources/db/data/standard/populate.sql.

Here are the URL of all profiles to their database:

debug-dev jdbc:h2:file:$PROJECT_DIR$/.h2/coding_assignment_becare_debug_dev;AUTO_SERVER=TRUE
dev jdbc:h2:mem:coding_assignment_becare_dev
staging jdbc:h2:file:$PROJECT_DIR$/.h2/coding_assignment_becare_staging;AUTO_SERVER=TRUE
prod jdbc:h2:file:$PROJECT_DIR$/.h2/coding_assignment_becare_prod;AUTO_SERVER=TRUE

If you wish to reset a database just delete its file after the application shutdown.

Checking the assignment

  1. Launch the application with the prod profile.

    java -jar target/coding-assignment.becare-<version>.jar
  2. Navigate to http://localhost:8080.

  3. Launch Postman and do some requests.

    Exports are located at $PROJECT_DIR$/postman.

Checking the sources

This project was implemented on IntelliJ IDEA. All the needed configuration is kept in this repository.

You do not need to import this project in IntelliJ IDEA, just open it!


  • Implement more tests (they are too few tests in number, I lack of time).
  • Reach 90% code coverage.