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This repo contains end-to-end pipeline for training and deployment of segmentation models using SMP library

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Segmentor Training



This repository contaions end-to-enf pipeline for data-processing, training and deployment of segmentation models using SMP library.


  1. End-to-End pipeline for training and deployment
  2. Hydra configuratiions for training
  3. SMP ( models with Catalyst
  4. FastAPI
  5. Dockerized deployment script

Model Training

1. Data Creation

Image Source:

Kitti dataset

Labelling strategy:

We can use CVAT tool.

Steps involved in label creation:
1. Load images in CVAT tool and create segmentation mask over spinal coord portion.  
2. Export data into segmentation format. The exported data has mask into specified RGB color. 
3. Transform label mask into binary mask. (Use: [./notebook/data_utitlity.ipynb](./notebook/data_utitlity.ipynb)). This is the requirement of training script.

2. Training Data

We should opt for general data splitting strategy:

Train Validation Test
0.7 0.2 0.1

3. Training Data location

All the data is maintained inside data/ folder.

    ├── test
    ├── testannot
    ├── train
    ├── trainannot
    ├── val
    └── valannot

4. Training Process

For training the segmentation model I have used smp library. This library has simple interface and supports more than 10 architectures with approx 400 encoders.

The training is facilitated by catalyst and hydra. Different augmentations implemented using Albumentation library. Check .notebook/training_data_visualisation.ipynb notebook for training data visualisation.

Steps to start training

  1. Create virtual env by installing the requirements kept in requirements.txt file.

    conda create --name <env_name> --file requirements.txt

    You also need to setup jupyter notebook kernel for the same env.

    python -m ipykernel install --user --name <env_name> --display-name <env_name>
  2. Training data is kept inside data folder. If you want to train model on custom data then it's recommended to transform your data using ./notebook/data_utitlity.ipynb notebook and keep training data in the same data folder.

  3. All the training configurations are kept inside different config files.

     ├── config.yaml
     ├── model
     │   └── default.yaml
     ├── processing
     │   └── default.yaml
     └── training
         └── default.yaml
    • model/default.yaml --> stores all the model related configs.
    • processing/defualt.yaml --> stores all configs relates to data processing.
    • training/default.yaml --> stores configs related to training process.

Note: Make changes according to your training resources.

  1. Training script is kept in ./ file. After tuning the configurations you can start the training process by simply hitting below command.

Note: As i had used hydra you can provide run time arguments to modify the default configs, as well as provide different conbinations of arguments to start different training loops.

  1. Logs of training will be stored in output/{DATE}/{TIME}/ folder. This folder will keep all the training configs, logs, models and tensorboard event files.

    You can check the tensorboard by hitting below command

    tensorboard --logdir ./output/

Model Evaluation

Evaluate model on test data by using ./ file. You need to provide log output folder path to run this file.

python \
    --log_dir  ./outputs/xxxx/xxxx


Images dice_loss iou_score
xxxx xxx xxx

For result visualisation you can use ./notebook/result_visualisation.ipynb notebook.

Model conversion to onnx

To convert model smp model to onnx.

python utils/ \
    --log_dir  ./outputs/xxxx/xxxx \
    --output_dir ./delpoyment/models/ 

For onnx model results verification use ./notebook/smp_to_onnx.ipynb notebook.

Infer from onnx model

You can also infer from onnx model and save output image by using below command.

python deployment/ \
    --model_path ./deployment/models/model.onnx \
    --output_dir  ./prediction_output/ \
    --image_path ./data/training_data/test/test.jpg


For the deployment, I have used FastAPI and Docker to create application. All the deployment code is kept inside ./deployment folder.


Deployment of pipeline

For the deployment of pipeline on docker all you need to do is to move inside deployment folder and run below commands

Note: Make sure you have onnx model kept inside ./deployment/models/model.onnx path .

  1. Build docker image

    docker build -t spinex:latest .
  2. Start docker container

    docker run -p 8000:8000 --name spinex spinex
  3. You can use FastAPI dashboard to test the API (url: OR you can hit CURL request from Postman.


    curl -X 'POST' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
    -F '[email protected];type=image/png'


    {'status': '200'}}

Status codes

Var Description
200 Success
100 Problem while predicting from model

Scope of Improvement

  1. DVC is not utilised in current version
  2. Streamlit is always a good choice for representation of model output, which is indeed missing in current version.



Details Type Link
Training Script python file
Evaluation Script python file
Inferencing Script python file deployment/
Onnx conversion Script python file ./model_utils/
Deployment application script python file ./deployment/
Data Operations
Label Binary Conversion notebook ./notebook/data_utitlity.ipynb
Data Splitting notebook ./notebook/data_utitlity.ipynb
Training Data Visualisation notebook ./notebook/training_data_visualisation.ipynb
Onnx Model Verification notebook ./notebook/smp_to_onnx.ipynb


This repo contains end-to-end pipeline for training and deployment of segmentation models using SMP library






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