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Migration from 0.14.13 to 0.14.14

Herbert Vojčík edited this page May 28, 2015 · 3 revisions

0.14.14 release extracted a few things.

To update cli, do

npm install -g amber-cli

This should reinstall amber-cli with the newest project template.

Packages Web and Wrappers-JQuery are no longer automatic dependencies of the newly created projects; it is recommended to remove them form deploy.js of legacy projects as well and using imports instead:

  • for a package that subclasses Widget, you need not to do anything (as it has Web as implicit dependency via subclassing), this package can use all of Web as well as all of jQuery wrapper API, as it is dependency of Web;
  • in Helios, in a template of a package that uses Web (maybe along with jQuery wrapper API), but does not subclass Widget, you should add 'amber/web/Web' into imports: {...} dynamic array argument;
  • in Helios, in a template of a package that does not use Web but uses asJQuery selector and/or 'JQuery current' to get to jQuery object to do other API, like ajax:, you should add 'amber/jquery/Wrappers-JQuery' into imports: {...} dynamic array argument.

Do the above changes in your previous version, before upgrading[1]. When updating imports: line, don't forget to save and commit, even if the package does not appear to be dirty (it is known bug in Helios).

To update your projects, do

bower install "amber#^0.14.14" --save
bower install "helios#>=0.5.0" --save-dev
bower install "amber-contrib-legacy#>=0.2.1" --save-dev
npm install "amber-dev@^0.5.0" --save-dev
# If you used Web package
bower install amber-contrib-web --save
# If you used 'JQuery current' or 'asJQuery' message
bower install amber-contrib-jquery --save
grunt devel

You don't need to install amber-contrib-jquery if you installed amber-contrib-web, as the former is the dependency of the latter. If you used Web package somewhere in your app, you likely have 'bower_components/amber/contrib/src' in Gruntfile.js library directories section. You must change it to new place where Web package is located now: 'bower_components/amber-contrib-web/src'.

Things that were extracted:

  • Web into its own repo
  • Wrappers-JQuery into its own repo
  • UI dialogs from PlatformInterface to Terminal class,
  • JS platform bridge from PlatformInterface to Platform class.

The whole PlatformInterface class is deprecated, look at List of deprecations or JS console with deprecation messages to learn what to use instead.

[1] You can change imports after you alredy upgraded to 0.14.14, but problems may arise from suddenly missing Web and/or Wrappers-JQuery while loading an app. You can overcome this by adding 'amber/web/Web' into deploy.js temporarily, load an app gracefully, edit the imports: lines and removing 'amber/web/Web' from deploy.js.

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