Provides a simple generator for files and input text with options.
- Files must be located with the drive path. For example: "C:\Users\anguianoewi\Downloads\hashgenerator\hashSource\"
- The file is converted into a hash after selecting hash method
- Text is typed into the program.
- The user then has to option to remove accidental trailing space.
- The text is converted into a hash after selecting hash method.
There are twelve hash methods available.
MD5 | SHA 384 | SHA3 384
SHA-1 | SHA 512 | SHA3 512
SHA 224 | SHA3 224 | SHAKE 128 (64-bit output)
SHA 256 | SHA3 256 | SHAKE 256 (64-bit output)
All twelve work correctly and refresh every time its function is used.
The hash modules are inside the /hashFiles folder and can be used by anyone who decides to create a script with it.
Each hash module has two functions. The "f" function is called forth for file hashes. The "s" function is called forth for string hashes.